Page 56 of Bluebird
“Your mom is great, Nat. I can see where you get your looks,” he said, with a wink.
I wasn’t falling for his sweet-talking ways. “What’s going on, Stefan?”
He smiled like the Cheshire cat. “MAX Entertainment want you on their tour…The big one.”
My eyes bulged. “You’re kidding!”
MAX Entertainment was responsible for the biggest country and blues festival tour in the States. I always dreamed of joining a festival line up, but my record label never allowed me. I made them more money as a solo act and they didn’t want to dilute ‘my brand’.
Stefan shook his head and grinned. “Their headline act dropped out and they want you. I spoke to my father and he’s willing to let you do it, but only this once.”
“They wouldn’t prefer someone…younger?” I raised my eyebrows.
Stefan dropped his shoulders. “They specifically asked for you, Natalie.”
“Really?” I squeaked and my heart danced with excitement. It would be the perfect opportunity to get my career back on track.
“He also said if it goes well, there could be another record in it for you.”
I smiled heavenward. Finally.
“Now, he isn’t aware of this little hiatus you’re having, so I’ll need you to come back with me…like right now.”
A feeling of dread seeped into my bones. “What? Hang on, when does the tour kick off?”
“That’s the thing,” he grimaced. “It already has…”
My brow furrowed. “Huh?”
“You’ve only missed the first show, but if you leave today, you’ll get back in time for the second.”
“What?” Panic flooded my whole body. I wasn’t ready to leave just yet, but I couldn’t miss this. I fell onto the lounge to process my thoughts, but all I could think of was Luke. How was I going to tell him?
“How long is the tour?” I queried, mentally trying to justify my decision.
“Finishes up in March, if they don’t add anymore dates, that is.”
I breathed a sigh of relief. I would be home in time for the wedding. At least that was something.
“So…is it a yes?” Stefan regarded me, hopefully.
I brushed away the guilt I knew was going to come crashing down on me at some point, and nodded. “Can you give me an hour? I need to tie up a few loose ends.”
Stefan raised his eyebrows in suspicion. “That guy who runs the bar…is he a loose end?”
“That’s none of your business.”
Stefan put his hands in the air to surrender. “Okay, okay,” he chuckled. “It’s none of my business who you’re sleeping with, I get it. Poor guy though, I know what it’s like to lose a good thing.”
I glanced up at him, expecting an infuriating wink, but all he wore was a sad smile.
“I need to say goodbye to my family first,” I said, gazing out the window towards the paddocks. Then I had to find Luke.
* * *
I found Mum in the laundry folding clothes and organising them into neat piles. I wasn’t sure if she had overheard my conversation with Stefan, but if she did, she pretended she hadn’t.
I hesitated at the door before I walked in. “Mum, I have to leave.”