Page 68 of Bluebird
Nate frowned. “Not even Mands…or Luke?”
“No!” I cried.
“Geez! Okay…I won’t tell anyone.”
“Swear,” he promised and I knew he would keep it.
“I’m…I’m pregnant.”
Nate’s eyes bulged. “What? How? Eh, scrap that…who?”
I shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. He’s moved on,” I said, repeating Luke’s exact words, as I wiped away a stray tear.
Nate pursed his lips and pulled me into a protective bear hug. “It’ll be okay, we’ll work it out,” he assured, offering me a heart-warming smile.
He brought my car around and helped me get in. To my relief, the pain had subsided somewhat and I was able to relax on the short drive home.
“Thanks, Nate,” I sighed, looking out the window at the passing Eucalypts that lined our roads.
“Should you be in this sort of pain?” Nate questioned, apprehensively.
“I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been pregnant before,” I bit, as my anxiety grew. I didn’t mean to take my worries out on Nate, but something felt off and I didn’t know what to do. I refused to see the town doctor, and my appointment was just over a week away. I would have to suck it up until then.
Nate glanced over at me. “Okay, sorry,” he said, shaking his head.
After a few minutes of unusual silence, Nate smirked. “So, I guess it is true what they say about pregnancy hormones causing mood swings.”
I glared at him. “What?”
He raised one brow and chuckled. “Because you’ve been acting pretty crazy.”
I punched him in the arm, and he swerved the car just enough to give us both a fright.
* * *
Christmas Eve finally arrived and Mum was frantically cooking in the kitchen preparing for the next day.
With Mum so busy, I decided to join Dad, Nate and Luke for our River’s family tradition of playing board games and watching the Christmas carols on TV. A tradition that I hadn’t partaken in since I was seventeen.
Amanda and Marni were with their families, so it felt like old times. Without Marni, it was easier to relax. Luke appeared more comfortable with my presence, which eased my guilt. The thought of him being angry with me made my heart ache. I had to find a way to become his friend again. It would make things so much easier.
We sat around the coffee table merrily playing Monopoly. A game we could never finish without arguing, crying or falling asleep because it took so damn long.
We reminisced about growing up together, and of course Nate had to bring up the embarrassing story of when I slipped over in the mud on my way home from school. I cringed and laughed nervously. Nate had no idea. I glanced up at Luke, but he didn’t react. He appeared to be caught in a daydream.
Mum finally joined us and settled herself next to me to watch the carols. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. I caught Luke observing the rare gesture and quickly diverted my gaze to the television.
My parents went to bed soon after the carols finished, and left Luke, Nate, and myself to finish the game. My competitive spirit was fighting to keep me awake, but I was exhausted. My body won out and it wasn’t long before I was drifting in and out of consciousness.
“What’s going on with Natalie?” I overheard Luke ask Nate, assuming I had surrendered to sleep.
“She has some pretty serious stuff to deal with right now.”
Luke sighed. “You’re not going to elaborate, are you?”
“Sorry, man, I promised her I wouldn’t.”