Page 8 of Bluebird
“You’ve heard me sing before.”
“But not like that. And not with him.” He glanced back at Luke, who was cautiously watching our altercation from afar.
Was Jake jealous? Of Luke? “Are you mad at me?”
Jake shrugged, pretending not to care. “I just don’t think you should be flaunting yourself like that.”
My mouth dropped. “Flaunting. You think I was flaunting?”
“Well, weren’t you?” He raised his brows.
Tears threatened my eyes, so I closed them. “I wasn’t flaunting anything,” I said, through gritted teeth. “I was performing. This is what I want to do, Jake. You know this.”
Jake appeared too drunk to fully comprehend what I was saying, frustrating me even more.
“I just…I just don’t like everyone looking at you like that. You’re supposed to be mine.”
I sighed and stepped towards him. “I am yours, Jake.”
He grasped my forearms and brought me closer, until I could smell the beer on his breath. “Then show me.”
I growled and pushed him away. “It always comes down to sex with you, doesn’t it?”
Jake threw his hands in the air. “It’s been three years, Natalie. What are you afraid of? Don’t you trust me?”
I blinked twice, not knowing how to answer.
“Fuck, Natalie. I can’t do this anymore.”
“Then don’t,” I snapped, glaring back at him.
Jake pursed his lips and stormed off. I spun around angrily, and ran straight into Marni.
“Whoa, are you alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lied. “I just need to go home.”
We both looked back at Jake, and watched him scull down his beer. “I don’t think Jake is fit to drive,” Marni stated with a laugh.
“Yeah…well, it looks like he’ll be crashing here tonight. I’m gonna find Luke and Nate. I’ll hitch a ride home with them.”
“Lucky you.” She grinned and waggled her eyebrows.
“Ew, Marni,” I retorted, reminding her that she was talking about my brother.
Marni placed her hand on my shoulder, as I spied Jake slumped in a chair, nursing yet another beer. “Don’t worry Nat, I’ll keep an eye on him.”
I smiled sadly. “Thanks, Marns.”
* * *
Luke rose as I marched towards him.
“Can you drive me home?” I asked, ignoring the girl who obviously had her sights set on him for the night.
Without hesitation, he searched the crowd. “Nate! We’re going!” he yelled over my shoulder.
I stood quietly, waiting for my brother to stumble over.