Page 95 of Bluebird
I rolled my eyes. “Come on, Luke, you have to admit our voices work pretty damn well together.”
He sighed, happily. “It’s easy with you.”
“Shuddup.” I chuckled and nudged his side.
He nudged me back. “Hey, are you hungry? I think we forgot to eat lunch.”
“And dinner,” I laughed. “Yeah, I’m starving actually.”
He stood up and offered me his hand. “C’mon, I’ll make us something,” he said, and led me to the kitchen.
* * *
I cracked open two beers as he whipped up a quick meal for the both of us. We finally sat down to eat at about 1am, not feeling tired at all. We chatted for a while about trivial things to contrast the hours spent soul searching to find the perfect lyrics.
Long after finishing dinner and my second beer, I glanced at my watch and was surprised to see an hour had past.
“Shit, Luke, I better go. You have to work tomorrow, and I need to sleep at some point.” I laughed, getting up from the table.
Luke seemed unfazed by the time.
I moved to take my dish to the kitchen, but he stopped me. “Let me do that.”
Our hands touched and as he grazed his fingers over mine to take the plate, our eyes met.
I drew in a shaky breath and stepped backwards. “Thanks.”
Luke offered me a tired smile and took the dishes to the kitchen.
“Hey, do you still have all that recording equipment?” I asked, trying to regain normalcy.
“Um, yeah. I do actually. You keen to start recording some of your new material?” he queried, returning from the kitchen.
We began walking towards the front door together.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind. Before I lose momentum. I’d like to record our song too, if you don’t mind?” I grimaced, assuming he would be against the idea.
He shrugged casually. “Yeah, sure.”
I turned to him with wide eyes, as he opened the door. “Really?” I examined his expression to see if he was genuine.
“Really, Blue. Now go home.” He motioned me out the door.
I beamed up at him and jumped down the porch stairs, feeling sixteen again. “Goodnight, Luke.”
“Goodnight, Bluebird.”
I jogged back home and opened our front door, peeking back to find Luke waiting for the door to close behind me.