Page 2 of Capturing Love
My shoulders instantly tensed. “No, that’s fine. I’m actually waiting for someone.”
He seemed to take the hint when I didn’t turn around. “Lucky man,” he muttered, returning to his jeering friends.
I picked up the menu and prayed they’d leave before they caught on to my lie.
As I carefully considered all my burger options, one by one, I flinched when I felt my hair move. Hoping it was an accident, I decided to ignore it. It wasn’t until the movement turned into a little tug that my blood began to boil.
This was the reason I only had underlights. I loved having rainbow coloured hair, but I sometimes hated the attention it brought, so I hid it under my long auburn waves. At a distance you would assume I was a plain jane, but if I let you close enough, you’d find the real me hiding underneath.
“You’ve got a little rainbow under there,” the man behind me slurred. “It makes me wonder what’s down below.”
I shifted across the seat and glared at him. “Don’t touch me.”
The man laughed and turned to his friends. “Feisty one, isn’t she?”
Refocusing on the menu, I tried to ignore the grown men snicker.
They were obviously on a buck’s night, going by the half-naked man lying next to them with a penis drawn on his face.
Another man from their table decided to join mine, and I cringed. I smelt the stale beer on his breath before he even spoke. “It doesn’t look like your friend is going to show, perhaps I could keep you company tonight.”
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “No, I’m fi—”
“Hey, Hun, sorry I’m late.” A new voice glided past me, announcing the arrival of a broad-shouldered man who loomed over my unwanted guest.
Raising his hands in defeat, the drunk man sheepishly slid out of the booth, much to the enjoyment of his company.
My eyes grew wide as the man, who busted me taking his photo earlier, eased into the seat opposite me.
“Hazel,” I murmured, staring into his alluring eyes. Or are they green?
“Pardon?” He chuckled as his brow rose.
I cleared my throat. “I mean, thank you.”
His eyes lit up with his warm smile. “Would you like me to stay here until they leave?”
I exhaled in relief. “If it’s not too much bother.”
“Not at all.” He held out his hand. “Grayson.”
Smiling back, I shook it and my heart raced when he didn’t break eye contact. “Josie.”
“Pleased to meet you, Josie.” The corner of his mouth lifted. “Bachelorette party?”
Such an easy assumption in Las Vegas. “How do you know I’m not a local?”
“Well apart from the accent, your accessories give you away.” He glanced down at my chest and I awkwardly followed his gaze. I let out a small laugh at the discovery of the penis candy necklace, that Melanie had insisted I wear, still sitting around my neck. My cheeks warmed as I pulled it over my head and wrapped it in a serviette.
“Whoa, wait! Don’t just throw it away. Those actually taste pretty great.”
“What?” I laughed. This guy was weird. Good weird, I hope.
He held out his hand, palm up. “I’m not kidding, it’s my favourite type of candy.”
I tilted my head and narrowed my eyes before slowly handing it over. “Penis candy?”
“It comes in other shapes too.”