Page 32 of Capturing Love
I tried my hardest not to smile.
Me: *rolling eyes*
Grayson: I never told my friends we slept together. But I never said we didn’t either, for that I’m sorry.
Me: What did you tell them?
Grayson: That I spent the night with an amazing girl.
Me: You’re an idiot. *face palm*
Grayson: I realise.
Grayson: I’m only in NYC for a few more days. Can I see you?
This was what I was dreading. He wanted to meet up.
Grayson: Dinner?
No way. Way too intimate.
Me: Sorry. Busy.
Grayson: I didn’t say when…
Grayson: What about lunch?
Me: Nope.
Grayson: Coffee? *praying*
Me: You’re impossible.
Grayson: I’m persistent.
With a sigh, I tried to think of a place where we could meet, that was public and gave me the ability to escape at any moment.
Me: I’m taking photos in Washington Square Park in the morning. If you bring me a coffee and a donut from Rosie’s, I may even talk to you. You’ll find me at the fountain at 8am.
Grayson: 8am? *wide eyed* You do realise it’s Saturday, right?
Grayson: I’m joking…I’ll see you then.
Me: Latte please.
Me. Whole milk. Not that skim shit.
Grayson: Rebel *wink face*
I spent way too much time preparing myself for a guy I had no interest in pursuing. He lived in Los Angeles for starters and I didn’t believe in long distance relationships. I tried it once when I moved from Australia to the States, not long after my folks died. But with no intention of moving back and the fact that my now-ex-boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend, it made no sense to keep pursuing—or to ever return.
My favourite yellow dress, that fell softly over my small frame, was perfect for the warm spring day predicted. I slipped on some sandals, and tied my hair up into a messy bun. I didn’t want to look like I was making too much of an effort. Plus, I couldn’t find my brush.