Page 56 of Capturing Love
“There will be nothing else,” Grayson uttered. “You’re free to go.”
With a quick nod, I left the room, closing the door softly behind me.
* * *
“You’re kidding me?” Amy almost spat out her wine after I told her about my additional workload. “You’re already doing so much.”
“Tell me about it.” I glanced at the time on my phone. “I have one weekend to get familiar with the entire New York music scene.”
“At least you like music,” she said, trying to cheer me up.
“Old music, Ames, not the new stuff. Most of the artists I listen to are dead.” I dropped my head into my hands at the bar.
Amy rubbed my back. “You’ll be fine. You’ll just take it in your stride like you al—” Her hand stilled on my back. “What the…”
I lifted my head and followed her glare. Adam and Grayson sauntered into The Edge, ambling towards the bar. As Adam ordered their drinks, Grayson’s eyes panned down the counter, widening when his gaze collided with mine. His back straightened as he scanned the bar, meeting unhappy faces of employees who just wanted to relax.
His lips pursed as he nudged his brother. Adam chortled as he regarded all the familiar faces, but didn’t seem surprised at all. A few words were spoken between them, leaving Grayson’s jaw clenched.
“They have some nerve,” I murmured under my breath.
“Josie…” Amy warned as I placed my empty wine glass on the bar.
Amy let out a squeak as I approached them, and quickly hid from the scene she thought I was about to cause.
Grayson stepped forward before Adam noticed I was there. “Josie, I didn’t know you were all going to be here. Adam didn’t tell me—”
“Tell you what?” Adam appeared next to Grayson and handed him a neat whiskey. His blue eyes brightened when they met mine. “Josie, what a surprise.”
I narrowed my gaze. “So you had no idea this is where we all come for drinks on Fridays?”
The corner of Adam’s mouth twitched. “I had no idea…until Linda let it slip this afternoon.”
Grayson groaned and ran his hand through his hair, watching me with tired eyes.
Adam shrugged. “I wanted to see what all the fuss was about,” he said, pretending to be interested in the décor as he sipped his drink.
“We’ll have one drink, then leave. Enjoy your night, Josie,” Grayson said, attempting to turn his brother away.
“No, stay. Maybe if you see us as human beings, you’ll show a little more compassion.”
Grayson gave a short nod, before pushing his amused brother to an empty table in the quickly filling bar.
I spun around and headed back to my workmates, all wary of the new arrivals.
Instead of going home early as planned, I ordered another round of drinks, then another, and another. After I gave Pete the low-down on my job, he told me he also absorbed someone else’s role and understood the pressure I was feeling. We spent the next hour venting about our week, until Pete’s fingers grazed my leg.
“Pete,” I whispered, straining my eyes at him.
He quickly lifted his hand and winced. “Sorry, sorry! It’s a hard habit to break.”
“You need to be more careful. I don’t want you getting in trouble.”
“What? For the no romantic relationship rule?” He chuckled. “Can they even do that?”
“They seem to do whatever they want,” I murmured, glancing over to the two gorgeous women who had joined their table.
Adam was lavishing the women with attention, but Grayson kept his distance, sipping his beer every time one of the girls moved closer. It made my skin crawl.