Page 71 of Capturing Love
Pete was super conservative. He worked in accounting, wore a suit to work every day even though the dress code was relaxed, and never swore. Like ever. What he saw in me was a fucking mystery.
I paused mid-chew when Grayson sauntered into the lunchroom with his empty mug. His eyes skimmed over mine and met the others. “Good afternoon, team,” he greeted with a nod, and continued on to the coffee machine.
Pete’s back straightened and Amy grinned up at him after a quick glance in my direction. I hadn’t updated her on what happened, so she must’ve seen something in my aura. Psychic friends were annoying like that.
“Good afternoon, William,” Amy chirped as he fiddled with the machine settings. “Would you like to join us?”
I scrunched up my face at her and whispered. “He doesn’t have time for a lunch br—”
“Actually, I will,” he interrupted, moving to our table. “I haven’t had a break all day.”
“Great!” Pete said, overenthusiastically.
I smiled tightly and lowered my gaze to my food. Stay cool, Josie. Stay cool.
“Josie was just about to tell us her plans for the weekend.” Amy’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Weren’t you, Jos?”
“I was?” I mumbled with a mouth full of food.
Amy raised her brow and nodded, while Pete went quiet.
Grayson smirked. “So, what are your plans, Josie?”
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Um, nothing really. Sleep, I guess.” I peeked up at Grayson who was watching my every move as he sipped his coffee.
“Well, at least you’ll be able to make drinks tomorrow night. We missed you last week,” Pete remarked happily.
I nodded and forced a small smile his way.
“What about you, William? What’s on for the weekend?” Amy switched her attention to Grayson with the sweetest of smiles. What is she up to?
He took a sip of his coffee as he considered the question. “Well, I’ve been invited to a few charity galas, but…”
I threw my hand over my mouth to smother a giggle. I knew it!
Grayson tapered his gaze at me before returning his attention to Amy. “But I haven’t decided which one to go to.”
The conversation continued for a gruelling twenty minutes, before I excused myself. I couldn’t stand being so close to Grayson and not being able to touch him.
Ten minutes later my phone vibrated on my desk.
Grayson: Spend the weekend with me.
I glanced into his office, but his back was turned.
Me: I thought you had plans.
Grayson: Not anymore.
I thought about it for a moment.
Grayson: Please?
I smiled.
Me: Only because you remembered your manners.
Grayson: I’ll pick you up from The Edge. Pack a toothbrush. Clothing optional.