Page 79 of Capturing Love
“I don’t have family anywhere.” I chuckled to keep my face from falling.
His jaw dropped. “I assumed you…”
“Oh, I’ve got plans.” Lie. “Lenny always invites me to spend Thanksgiving with his family in Jersey.” Not a lie. I just never go.
Grayson exhaled. “Oh, okay then. Jesus, I thought you were going to be alone for the holiday for a second there.”
I smiled tightly. “So, you’re heading home I see.” Glancing down at the suitcase sitting beside his desk, I nodded towards it.
“Ah yeah. Mom makes a big deal every year. She obviously has way too much time on her hands.”
“No, it’s nice.” I could only imagine. “Does she put on a big turkey with all the trimmings?”
Grayson laughed. “With the help of her chef, yes.”
“That sounds amazing.” My eyes glazed over, but I quickly blinked the tears away.
Adam rolled his suitcase down the hallway and stopped at Grayson’s door. “Ready?”
“Yeah, I’ll meet you downstairs,” he said, his eyes not budging from mine.
“That’s fine. I can wait.” He leant against the doorframe and pretended to check the time.
Grayson’s jaw tightened and he eyed me apologetically as he stood. “Have a good weekend, Josie.”
“You too,” I replied, turning for the door.
Adam nodded as I walked past, and I returned the gesture with a small smile.
I placed the watering can back on my desk and sank into my chair, just in time to see Grayson follow Adam down the hallway with their suitcases trailing behind them.
Five minutes later my phone chimed.
Grayson: I’ll miss you.
His text made my heart ache.
A few minutes later it chimed again.
Grayson: Lenny doesn’t have any sons, does he?
I laughed.
Me: Only three *wink face*
Grayson: I’m turning the cab around.
Me: All happily married.
Grayson: Phew.
Grayson: Perhaps when I get back…I could take you out some place?
I smiled.
Me: Like a real date?
Grayson: Yes. A real date.