Page 62 of War Bound
“Yes. Sorry. But don’t worry. This is my husband, Prince Farrendel. He stopped the bullet with his magic.” Essie’s hand squeezed Farrendel’s shoulder, and he did not have to look up to see her smile.
Farrendel was not sure how to comport his face to portray reassurance. With Essie’s soothing tone, the best option was probably for him just to sit still and attempt a smile.
“Thank you. Your Highnesses.” The woman tilted her head, her grip on her daughter relaxing as she bobbed an abbreviated version of the Escarlish curtsy.
The daughter peeked at Farrendel again. This time, she studied him, probably taking in his long hair and tapered ears that would appear strange to her.
Essie’s nephews had found the sparks he could make with his magic fascinating. Perhaps this human girl would as well. He would hate to leave the terror of his crackling, fully powered magic as the only memory she had of elven magic. He might not be able to change the minds of the adults in Escarland, but perhaps the children would grow up with a different view of elves.
He held out his palm, flat, as if offering a gift. A flare of sparks swirled into the air, forming a flower. A moment later, it burst, raining down onto the hand the little girl stuck out. The girl’s sniffing turned into a giggle.
It was enough. Farrendel eased to his feet and stepped back.
The woman bobbed another curtsy, first to Farrendel, then to Essie. “Your Highnesses.” She hurried into the crowd, ushering her daughter along.
The gunshot could have turned the people from an anxious crowd into a rioting mob. But they stood still and silent, as if stunned. He could not read the crowd well enough to know what they might be thinking about the gunshot, his magic, or his actions.
No matter the reason, the silence persisted as they remounted. The crowd parted, letting them head home toward Buckmore Cottage.
ESSIE HELD Farrendel’shand as they strolled from the graveled drive to the front doors of Buckmore Cottage. “Today was a good day, despite the scare on the way back. I had a good time, though I’m glad we’re home.”
She meant it. Even though they had only spent a night there, Buckmore already felt like home. With Winstead Palace, and Ellonahshinel in Estyra, she was starting to collect a lot of homes.
“Yes.” Farrendel halted and tugged her closer.
He said it with all the fervor of someone who didn’t have many good days. She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Even if there were too many people.”
He pressed a kiss into her hair. “You like people and the market. I like to see you happy.”
They were standing on the front step where anyone passing by could peek through the gate and see them. But Essie didn’t care. She turned her face and kissed him, trailing her fingers through the ends of his hair.
His hand cupped her cheek as he kissed her in return. Slow and gentle, deepening and lingering.
When he pulled back, Essie tucked her head against his shoulder again, trying not to think about the days passing far too quickly until he would leave. “Let’s skip dinner with my family tonight and just stay in. Maybe read books. Make some of our new hot chocolate and drink from our new mugs.”
Farrendel stepped back, but his mouth was tipped in a smile. She took his hand again, and he opened the door to the cottage.