Page 18 of Peril
If only they were not here on a spying mission where they might get poisoned at any moment.
Finally, the soup course ended, and the main course of some kind of fish crusted in a bread crumb and herb layer with mixed vegetables on the side was set in front of them. Once again, Jalissa surreptitiously checked both meals with her magic. No poison, thankfully.
Jalissa nearly choked on her first bite of fish, her eyes watering, thanks to all the dill, chives, and pepper in the herbal crust. Still, the over-spiced food was preferable to the interminable small talk.
After supper, they all sat in the parlor and King Solan made some attempt at discussing politics. Mostly insinuations that Mongavaria was superior while Tarenhiel and Escarland should bow to their demands. Of course, it was not said in so many words.
Finally, Edmund and Jalissa could retreat to their room with Sarya and one of Edmund’s spy-turned-guard-friends shadowing their every move until they reached their rooms.
Inside the rooms, Jalissa breathed a sigh of relief and tried to relax now that a door separated her from the pretense.
Their second guard-spy straightened from where he had been sprawled on the couch facing the door. A glint of something, perhaps a derringer, caught Jalissa’s eye before the spy flicked it out of sight up his sleeve once again.
When Edmund turned to them, the blank look fell from his face as he glanced between them. “Sarya, Alvin, you’ll stay with Jalissa tonight. James, you and I are going to sneak out and start scouting. See if you can find their records room or military planning room. I’ll go through the king’s study.”
Jalissa’s stomach churned. This was the mission, but she still did not like knowing exactly what Edmund was up to. If he were caught…
He would not be caught. This was Edmund.
“Until then, we should all get some rest.” Edmund rested his hand on Jalissa’s back and steered her toward their room.
They stepped into the lavishly appointed room, with its large, canopied bed and massive, velvet upholstered furniture.
Instead of pausing, Edmund threw open the double doors on the far side. The salty, cool night breeze washed over them, stirring Jalissa’s hair. Below, the lights of the city glowed in the night, reflecting off the water of the river and the bay. Far above, the stars twinkled in the depth of the sky, reflecting in the deeper dark of the ocean.
She closed her eyes as she leaned against the railing, drinking in the peace of the night.
Edmund’s fingers brushed the back of her neck, then his strong fingers massaged the tight muscles at her shoulders.
She relaxed against him. “That feels good.”
“You’re tense.” Edmund spoke near her ear, and this time it sent shivers down her spine instead of grating against her nerves. This was the real him, not the annoying persona he had been wearing before.
“I know we are prepared, but this is more difficult than I expected.” Jalissa reached up and rested a hand over one of Edmund’s. Searching out possible traitors among the Escarlish court had been one thing. The secrecy had been kind of fun.
But this was not fun. It was deadly and dangerous and every moment she had to be hyper aware of everyone and everything.
“I know.” Edmund wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close.
Jalissa turned in Edmund’s arms and leaned into the strength of his embrace. As long as she had him, she could face whatever danger came their way.
* * *
Well after midnight,Jalissa opened the secret compartments in many of the trunks. While Edmund changed into dark gray trousers, shirt, and gloves, she located his knives and his derringer. Once she had a pile of weapons for Edmund and for the other spies, she found the trunk that held the rope.
As she dragged the rope out of the trunk, Edmund reached her side and took it from her, kissing her cheek. “I should be back well before dawn. Get some sleep, if you can.”
“You know I am not going to be able to sleep.” Jalissa rested a hand on his arm. A goodbye kiss sounded good, but this probably was not the time for such distractions. “Stay safe.”
“Always.” Edmund pressed a kiss to her forehead, then tied the rope to one of the posts of the bed. He carried the rope to the balcony, then tossed it off. “James, you first.”
The other spy—wearing identical dark clothing to Edmund’s—gripped the rope and dropped over the balcony as if scrambling up and down castle walls was an everyday occurrence. Perhaps it was, for him.
Edmund paused, turning back to Jalissa. He tugged her close and kissed her one last time. “I’ll be back.”
Before she could think of something to say in return, Edmund dropped over the balcony and climbed down the rope.
Jalissa remained on the balcony for several minutes longer, staring off into the night, the darkness seeming deeper than it was before.