Page 49 of Peril
Sarya pushed from the chair, bowed to Jalissa, then all but tottered out of the room. Hopefully she would allow herself the rest she desperately needed. She might not have had to keep Edmund alive with a heart bond, but she had expended all her strength and magic to get the two of them to Winstead Palace and safety. No guard could have done more.
Edmund’s mother sank into the chair in Sarya’s place. “You should rest as well, sena.”
Daughter. It had been so long since her own macha had called her that. The word held so much tender love and care that more tears pricked at the corners of Jalissa’s eyes.
But she did not want to break down and cry in front of Edmund’s mother. She was not ready for something as personal as that just yet.
Instead, she shook her head and propped herself up in a sitting position against the headboard. “Not yet. I am sure General Bloam will be by shortly. I need to report to him as soon as he arrives.”
Edmund’s mother nodded, then reached into the bag she wore slung over her shoulder and pulled out a piece of embroidery. “Then I will keep you company until he arrives.”
“Linshi.” Jalissa would need the company to stay awake. “Julien and Vriska looked like they have been doing…well.”
Jalissa was not about to mention the private, near-kiss she had walked into earlier that night. But hopefully the topic would keep Macha talking so that Jalissa would not have to. She did not have the energy for conversation at the moment.
As she picked up her needle, Edmund’s mother filled Jalissa in on everything that had happened here in Escarland while they had been gone, ending with, “We have not received word that Essie and Farrendel have had their baby yet.”
Jalissa breathed out a sigh of relief. As bad as Edmund being poisoned and having to flee Mongavaria had been, at least it meant that she and Edmund had returned far earlier than planned, meaning that they would be here when word came about their new niece or nephew.
Another knock came from the door, and this time Averett stood in the doorway. His gaze swept over Edmund, then Jalissa. “I just came to check on the two of you. I can’t stay long. I can’t risk anyone realizing something is up.”
Politics. Jalissa was all too familiar with it.
Macha grimaced and bent over her embroidery. “I assume you told them I retired early.”
“Yes. Paige is covering for all of us. Julien and Vriska left to chase down Princess Bella.” Averett’s gaze dropped to Edmund. “How is he, really? And how are you, Jalissa? I’ve seen the toll a heart bond takes.”
“We are fine now, thanks to Nylian.” Jalissa squeezed Edmund’s hand, thankful that it was finally warm and no longer clammy as it had been.
“I’m thankful your brother agreed to station elven healers here in Aldon. The healers—and the elf warrior checking the food for poison—have proven to be invaluable tonight.”
Jalissa found herself smiling, an expression that felt as good as healing magic after everything she had been through. “You know the healers are only here because of Farrendel. With Farrendel’s propensity to get hurt, Weylind no longer wants to risk Farrendel being any farther than a few minutes from an elf healer at all times.”
Averett laughed and shook his head. “Weylind might start taking the same precautions for you from now on. You and Edmund have been hurt more often than Essie and Farrendel in the past six months.”
True. Jalissa shook her head, her hand straying to Edmund’s chest again to reassure herself with the steady beating of his heart. “You mean, Edmund has been injured more. Weylind would probably be fine with that, except for the fact that the elishina means that his injuries affect me.”
Their mother pressed her mouth into a tighter line, as if she did not find this conversation amusing in the least. Jalissa would not normally find injuries a laughing matter, but her exhaustion seemed to bring out a sense of morbid humor.
Averett tipped his head back and barked a louder laugh than was strictly necessary. Perhaps he, too, found himself dealing with this situation with misplaced humor.
Edmund stirred, groaning, before he cracked his eyes open. “Avie?”
Averett stepped farther into the room and rested a hand on Edmund’s shoulder. “Good to see you awake. You look rather awful.”
“Feel pretty awful,” Edmund mumbled, his eyes cracked to only half-mast. “Better than I was.”
Another knock sounded on the door as General Bloam halted in the doorway. He bowed to the room. “Your Majesties, Your Highnesses. May I intrude?”
“Of course. I should be getting back before anyone notices I’m gone.” Averett squeezed Edmund’s shoulder, met Jalissa’s gaze with a look that said he would make sure the two of them were well taken care of, and exited the room.
Edmund’s mother stood, gathering up her embroidery. “I will check on Sarya and make sure she is resting.” With that, she left the room, headed down the hallway toward the room Sarya had claimed when they stayed in Buckmore Cottage.
Edmund patted at his shirt, fumbling for the inner pocket, his brows furrowed. “I have…papers…”
Jalissa reached into Edmund’s shirt and pulled out the papers from his hidden pocket. She held them out to General Bloam. “These are for you.”
General Bloam unfolded them, then quickly scanned them. “Thank you, Prince Edmund, Princess Jalissa. These give me enough proof to order a raid on Lord Farnley’s house and all his properties here in Aldon. Is there anything else I should know tonight? Otherwise, I will let you rest.”