Page 52 of Peril
Nylian withdrew his hand. “It seems the poison has mostly worked its way through your system. You will still need healings for the next day or so, but the poison will be gone after that.”
“Linshi.” Edmund hesitated. How did he go about asking this? “What is my long-term prognosis? Will I experience any lingering effects of the poison?”
Nylian stared down his long nose at him. “I do not believe so. It seems the heart bond prevented any deep, unhealable damage to your internal organs.”
Edmund breathed out a sigh and nodded. At least that was one worry he probably could set aside. The strength of his heart bond with Jalissa had saved him. The numerous healing potions he’d taken early in his poisoning had likely helped as well. “Linshi.”
The door opened again, and this time Averett hurried inside. “Nylian, you’re needed at the palace. Vriska has been injured.”
Nylian nodded, bowed to Averett, and glided from the room without another word.
“Is she all right?” Edmund started to push himself to an elbow but stopped when Jalissa stirred.
“A bullet to the shoulder, or so I heard. She should be fine, but General Bloam and his men are bringing her and Julien back now.” Averett glanced over him, as if to assure himself that Edmund was all right. “They managed to capture Princess Bella before she escaped.”
“Good.” Edmund sank back onto the bed. “Send General Bloam to me once he gets back. I’d like to talk strategy now that we have Princess Bella as our hostage. Between the information I brought back and our hostage, we should be able to blackmail the new king of Mongavaria into backing off.”
Averett’s mouth quirked as he clasped Edmund’s shoulder. “I’m glad to see you’re fine and back to your usual self. I’ll send over General Bloam. And a breath mint.”
Of course Averett would say something. Their mother had been far too polite to bring it up.
Edmund waved him off. “Go look after Julien and Vriska. I’m fine.” Lacking basic hygiene, but not about to die at least.
Averett gave him a look that said he doubted Edmund’s claim. As he passed their mother, he said something to her in a low voice. Even though she frowned, she nodded, then entered the room.
She returned to her seat next to the bed.
Edmund gestured toward the door. “You should look after Julien and Vriska. We’re fine.”
“No, you aren’t. Someone needs to stay here in case you need anything.” His mother picked up her embroidery, but her fingers weren’t as steady as before. “Paige and Averett will look after Julien and Vriska.”
Edmund wished there was something he could say to erase the worry lines from his mother’s face. It must be terrible, choosing which son to look after when she would rather be at both of their sides right now, impossible as it was. “I’m sure Averett will send word as soon as there’s news.”
Mother nodded, then returned to her embroidery. “Unless you wish to rest, perhaps you could tell me about your trip to Mongavaria?”
Edmund settled against the pillow. Despite his exhaustion, he was not yet ready for more sleep. Keeping his voice low to avoid waking Jalissa, he told Mother some about the trip to Mongavaria, leaving out some of the classified bits about his sneaking. And the part about him gambling. And some of the evilness of the new King Jimson.
His mother gave him a sharp look several times, as if to make sure that he knew that she knew that he was leaving parts out. But she didn’t question him. She had been a queen, a regent, and a queen mother for too long not to know that there were things her sons couldn’t tell her.
Just as Edmund was finishing, Julien stepped into the doorway. A bruise on his face appeared to be already healing, probably thanks to Nylian. His clothes were ripped and bloody, but he stood straight, no signs of pain in his stance. Julien glanced between Edmund and Mother. “May I come in?”
Mother glanced over her shoulder, the lines of her face easing. “Please, take my seat. I could use a moment anyway.” She stood and walked across the room, halting next to Julien. She rested a hand on his arm. “I’m glad you and Vriska are all right.”
Julien shrugged, giving a self-deprecating smile. “Vriska took the brunt of it. I just played the part of helpless prince until it was the right time to fight back.”
“Not a role you play often.” Edmund kept his tone light, despite his relief at seeing Julien alive and well. If Julien was here, then Vriska must be fine as well. Julien wouldn’t leave her side otherwise.
As Edmund wouldn’t leave Jalissa if she were the one injured. She still curled against his side, sleeping soundly.
Mother gave Julien a quick hug before she left the room.
Julien settled into the chair she’d vacated. “You’re looking better.”
“I’m feeling better. Elven healing magic really is remarkable.” Edmund couldn’t help but glance at Jalissa. Even in sleep, her face had an ethereal beauty, made even more beautiful by the determined, strong woman she was underneath. “She is remarkable. I wouldn’t have survived, if not for our heart bond.”
Jalissa gave a small sigh in her sleep, shifting, but she didn’t wake. Lines of weariness still etched across her face, testament to the toll that keeping him alive had taken on her.
“I’m glad you have her. And that you’ve formed a heart bond.” Julien leaned against the back of his chair, exhausted lines etched around his eyes. He looked like he’d had quite the evening.