Page 57 of Peril
“Tell her we’ll be right there.” Averett pushed to his feet, that broad grin back on his face.
As the footman hurried down the corridor, Edmund eased upright. He tried to pretend he was steady on his feet as he fell into step with Averett. “Do you know something the rest of us don’t?”
“Maybe.” Averett’s grin just about split his face.
Yep, Essie and Farrendel had definitely had their baby.
As soon as they reached their mother’s parlor, Edmund sank into a seat on the couch next to Jalissa and took her hand. She was already smiling as well.
Across the way, Paige perched on the edge of her seat, and Averett stood behind her chair, resting his hands lightly on her shoulders Julien and Vriska both stood near the wall, Julien’s beard doing little to hide his grin.
They had all likely guessed what this was about. It was the news they had all been waiting for.
Their mother sat in her favorite chair beside the fireplace, a wide smile on her own face and sparkling in her eyes. She held up the telegram. “As you have all guessed, Essie and Farrendel had their baby this morning.”
Edmund wrapped his arm around Jalissa’s shoulders as everyone else clapped or cheered or burst into questions.
Mother held up her hand for silence, then continued. “They are happy to announce they have a son who they’ve named Fieran. Both Fieran and Essie are healthy and doing well.”
Then Farrendel had gotten his pick of name after all. Fieran meantFire hairin elvish. It seemed Fieran must have inherited Essie’s red hair.
Another nephew. Edmund couldn’t wait until he could meet him.
Averett glanced around at all of them. “I know everyone probably wants to hop the first train to Tarenhiel to meet our new nephew, but let’s give Farrendel, Essie, and Fieran a few days to settle in before all of us descend. If our negotiations with Mongavaria go as planned, we’ll be headed north in a few days anyway.”
Edmund nodded, squeezing Jalissa’s fingers.
She was nodding too, though something in her expression had fallen, as if she had been hoping to leave right away.
He leaned over so he could whisper in her ear. “I know. I’m disappointed too. But Averett is right that we should give Farrendel and Essie time and space.”
Jalissa nodded again, her expression easing. “I just cannot wait to see Farrendel as a father.”
“Me too.” Edmund rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. As he looked at her, it wasn’t his new nephew that he was thinking about.
No, he was thinking about holding his own half-elf, half-human baby and feeling the wonder of being a father fill his chest.
Jalissa was an elf, and elves often struggled to have children. As much as he dreamed of that day, he would more than likely have to be patient. If they had children at all.
No need to borrow troubles. Not yet.
For now, he would simply enjoy having her as his wife.
Edmund sat in his favorite chair in the parlor. He’d pulled the chair up to the desk so that he could fill out his report for the Intelligence Office so that he could give it to General Bloam before leaving for Tarenhiel tomorrow.
In his report, he tried to write down every observation and detail about Mongavaria that he could remember, no matter how small. On another page, he wrote down his conclusions. That way, analysts could go through his notes, come to their own conclusions, then compare theirs with his to make sure their hunches lined up.
With a knock, General Bloam entered the parlor and bowed. “Edmund, may I come in?”
“Of course.” Edmund straightened the papers, then shifted his chair to face the room instead of the desk. “I’m still putting together my reports.”
“I’d rather you were thorough rather than hurry and miss something.” General Bloam took a seat across from him. “I received word from Alvin and James. They have worked their way into positions as planned.”
Edmund breathed out a sigh and nodded. Even he hadn’t been told where Alvin and James planned to work undercover. But wherever they were, it was good to know that they hadn’t been caught by King Jimson.
“As for why I’m here.” General Bloam eyed Edmund. “I’d like to talk about your career.”