Page 59 of Peril
Edmund hung his head again as he took in the future General Bloam was laying before him. “I appreciate your trust in me.”
“It’s trust, and perhaps a little pride on my part.” General Bloam leaned forward as well, the smirk disappearing for something more somber. “I’ve never married, and I don’t plan to. My legacy will be Escarland’s safety, even if no one else knows the battles I’ve won or lost, and the Intelligence Office I leave behind to face future threats. In a sense, you are my legacy.”
This was too much. Edmund cleared his throat, his words coming out a bit thick with the weight of emotion squeezing his chest. “I don’t know what to say. I’m beyond honored that you feel that way.”
“Don’t let it go to your head.” The smirk returned to General Bloam’s face. “I probably shouldn’t even be telling you this, but you probably would have figured out what I was up to eventually. I’d rather be upfront about my intentions. For now, the future will keep. Concentrate on training Kostarian and Tarenhieli spies and improving the communication between our kingdoms when it comes to security matters. The rest will wait until I deem you ready.”
Edmund relaxed in his seat. General Bloam was right. By the time he gained the heavier responsibilities, he would have more years of experience and skills to handle them. And he would have Jalissa at his side to help carry them.
Speaking of Jalissa…
“Can I bring Jalissa in to help me as Liaison? She proved to be a great help both in searching out the smugglers in Escarland and while spying in Mongavaria.” Edmund held his breath, waiting. He knew there would be times he would have to keep secrets from Jalissa because of his job, but he would rather share as much with her as possible.
“While she is a princess of Escarland through marriage, she technically is still a citizen of Tarenhiel. I can’t appoint her to an official position in the Escarlish Intelligence Office.” General Bloam shrugged a shoulder. “But I presume you will have pull with the Tarenhieli Intelligence Office once you help set it up. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard to convince them to appoint her to a position. Perhaps as the Liaison for Intelligence for Tarenhiel, making her your counterpart in their kingdom?”
“Ah, so more blatant nepotism?”
Another dismissive wave. “The best person for the job.”
Edmund grinned, the tension inside him easing. Now this was a future he could see himself and Jalissa living. No more undercover missions in foreign kingdoms, but instead using their skills to protect the allied kingdoms and prepare for the coming war.
Edmund gazed in wonder at his newborn nephew Fieran as he cradled him to his chest. Fieran’s head was covered with the bright red hair he’d inherited from his mother while his tiny ears were pointed like his father’s. It was too soon to tell exactly what color his eyes would be, but they held hints of the bright, light blue like Farrendel’s.
What would Edmund’s and Jalissa’s child look like, if they should be so blessed? Dark hair like Jalissa’s and her pointed ears? Or perhaps brown hair tinged with red and slightly curly like his?
Jalissa leaned her head against his shoulder, reaching out to touch Fieran’s tiny fingers. “He is so cute.”
“Yes.” Edmund grinned down at the baby. Of course, Fieran was adorable. Anyone could tell he would be blessed in the looks department with parents like Essie and Farrendel.
Eventually, Edmund had to pass Fieran along to Paige. When his arms were empty, Edmund wrapped an arm around Jalissa’s shoulders and leaned against the wall as he watched as Fieran was passed around the rest of the family. Rheva, Mother, Vriska, Julien, Rharreth, Melantha, and even Weylind claimed a turn before Fieran turned fussy.
As Essie reclaimed Fieran, Averett started hustling everyone out to begin the journey toward the coast where they planned to meet King Jimson to negotiate a peace treaty. Edmund stayed out of the way, not entirely sure what Averett had in mind for him. Most of the discussion on what they planned to do had revolved around Julien, Vriska, the trolls, Farrendel, and Averett.
After giving Edmund a kiss on the cheek, Jalissa joined Essie, Paige, Mother, Rheva, and Melantha, all of them smiling about Melantha’s announcement that she and Rharreth were expecting their first child.
Edmund followed his brothers out of Farrendel and Essie’s rooms. Outside on the porch, Averett halted and turned to Edmund. “I’d like you to stay here.”
Edmund nodded, then hesitated. “Are you sure? I could be helpful in spotting any double dealings on King Jimson’s part.”
“Perhaps, but I’d rather not confirm to him just yet that you survived.” Averett shrugged, a hint of a grin on his face. “I’m not going to go through the trouble of faking your death. That would involve the expense of a state funeral and lying to the Escarlish public, and it’s a hassle I don’t want to deal with. But while we have denied your involvement with the poisoning to the other kingdoms and let them know that King Jimson poisoned you as well, we haven’t directly confirmed your survival to Mongavaria. I’d rather they remain in a state of confusion when it comes to you.”
“Too bad. I always thought faking my own death would be fun to try at least once.” Edmund smirked, crossing his arms. Then again, he actually had faked his own death when it came to his fake persona of Elidyr, but Averett didn’t know all of those details.
Averett rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I’d also feel better knowing you are here, just in case King Jimson decides to lash out, thinking our loved ones will be unguarded while we are at the coast for the diplomatic meeting. If King Jimson learned that the queens of all three of our kingdoms were here in Estyra…”
“It would be bad for us.” Edmund nodded. “I’ll look after everyone here.”
At least Averett was giving him these excuses instead of blaming the fact that Edmund was still recovering from being poisoned as the reason he was being left behind. Sure, Edmund still tired more easily than he used to, but he was no longer aching. It would take him some time to fully regain his strength, but he was well on the road to recovery.
Let King Jimson wonder if Edmund had survived or not. It would itch at him, wondering how he’d done it and what Edmund knew. And when all his efforts to spy on Escarland kept getting countered, he would know who his opponent was in this game of spies and shadows.
Averett gave a final nod, clapped Edmund on the shoulder, then turned to leave.
Weylind glanced back at them, then tilted a nod in Edmund’s direction. Edmund had given Weylind an official communication from General Bloam, announcing Edmund’s new position as Liaison of Intelligence. Once Weylind returned from the meeting with King Jimson, they would begin the work of setting up an elven Intelligence Office and training the scouts.
As the others left, Edmund turned back to the door. When he peeked inside, he found that Essie had settled onto one of the cushions, a blanket draped over her as she nursed Fieran. Mother, Paige, Jalissa, Rheva, and Melantha sat on nearby cushions, their chatter loud enough to be vaguely heard even outside.