Page 37 of Haunting Chaos
Linked had a reputation for being a playground with limited rules. The perfect environment where her cries and begging would only bring us closer to the unpredictable end. For now, we balanced on the edge of a knife, bound by the claim I made.
Grim ended church, and I rose, giving him a quick chin lift as I left. Skyla had no idea what was about to happen, and I relished the idea of bringing her into a world of my darkest desires, no matter the outcome.
Chapter 10
I stood in the doorway of the nursery, staring across the room at her with conflicting emotions waging a battle in my head. She looked so sweet, so happy as she rocked my little girl. I sensed her peace and a quiet calm that tugged at my black soul. Caring for Zara completed something inside her broken by a man she trusted. I needed to know what her father had done and how far his involvement with the Scorpions MC, Razr, and those goddamn Russian traffickers had gone.
“We need to talk,” I announced, careful to keep my voice even, with no hint of the confusion and anger I felt.
“Okay. She just fell asleep.” Skyla lowered her chin and dropped a kiss on top of Zara’s head of curls. “Goodnight, sweet baby girl.”
My chest did one of those squeezes, the kind that proved what I felt for her wasn’t just a passing infatuation.
Another reason to learn the truth as quickly as possible.
Skyla stood slowly, carefully cradling my baby girl and placing her in the crib. She covered her with a blanket, turning on her nightlight. Stars and constellations projected on the ceiling, circling clockwise as soft music played.
“C’mon. We’re going to take a ride.”
“Grab a jacket. It’s gotten a little cool tonight. Join me outside by my bike once you’re ready.”
She gave me a funny look. “I only need about five minutes.”
Not responding verbally, I nodded, heading toward the crib. The door clicked shut behind Skyla, and I stood in front of the crib, gently patting Zara’s back. She breathed quiet and even, her innocent dreams undisturbed by darkness and monsters that lived outside these walls.
I wondered what I’d do someday if some asshole tried to hurt her, take what didn’t belong to him, or sell her off to men who intended to break her spirit for enjoyment. I’d kill any motherfucker who tried. My Reaper agreed, imagining all the ways we’d make rapists, murderers, and child molesters pay with their blood before we reaped their tarnished, blackened souls. Lucifer would enjoy such a harvest.
“I’m always gonna be here for you, my little Zar-Bear. I’ll figure this out. I promise,” I whispered. “Daddy loves you.”
Spinning around, I exited the room, locking the door before I made my way to Snooki’s room. The light was on, casting a soft yellow glow at the bottom, so I figured she wasn’t entertaining any of my brothers.
“Hey, Snooki, you busy?” I asked, tapping a few raps on the wood.