Page 9 of Haunting Chaos
“That’s not necessary,” I began, cutting him off.
Daniel sliced a hand through the air, his jaw snapping as he lowered his head. “I’ll be paying you. End of discussion.”
Nodding, I decided not to risk his irritation further. “Okay.”
“You might as well have a key to this room.” He lifted a ring of keys as he slid the leather of his belt open, pulling off a silver key that flashed briefly in the haze of the nightlight. “Here.”
I slid the key into my pocket, balancing Zara as he lifted her from my arms, cradling his baby girl against his chest. “Thanks. I’ll make sure the door is locked from now on.”
Daniel’s room connected to this one with an adjoining door, a much smaller space that he and Cindi converted into a nursery and playroom for Zara. Once an extra storage space, the area provided the perfect child’s bedroom. He’d left it unlocked tonight, no doubt forgetting in his inebriated state. Not that it was a huge security concern. There wasn’t a soul in the Crossroads that would harm a child.
I wished all men were that honorable.
“I left it unlocked?” His voice agonized; he lowered his chin and placed a soft kiss on top of Zara’s blonde head. “I’m sorry, honey. I won’t fail you like that again.”
My heart lurched at his sincerity, and my hand rose to my chest, knowing Zara was a fortunate little girl. Not all fathers loved their daughters and protected them with such ferocity and conviction.
Hauling in a ragged breath, I turned away, quietly retreating to give Daniel a few moments alone with Zara. She needed this time with her daddy. Maybe it would help with the nightmares.
“Hey,” he called as I reached the door. “Thanks for checking on her.”
“Of course. Goodnight.” I opened the door and slipped into the hall, making my way to the room I shared with Becca and LeeAnn. Snooki and Harley roomed together next to us. I noted the quiet, dark clubhouse that occasionally raised goosebumps on my arms as I passed their doorway. Something haunting and unnatural seemed to stalk the interior in the dead of night. A ghostly warning that chilled my skin as I hurried my steps, glancing over my shoulder.
A tiny, whispered hiss blew by my right ear, and I shrieked, running the remainder of the distance to my room. Hand on the knob, I didn’t dare look behind me as I flung open the door and slammed it shut, panting out harsh breaths to still my thundering heart.
The room was empty. I didn’t doubt my roommates were keeping a Royal Bastard company in their bed tonight. Slightly shaken, I pushed off the door and readied for bed, leaving the bathroom light on as I snuggled beneath the covers.
There wasn’t much that spooked me, but the Crossroads? Yeah, it had an uncanny ability to terrify me when I least expected it.
“MORNIN’, SKYLA,” SNOOKIannounced as I shuffled into the kitchen a little after 9 am. I hadn’t slept well, and my eyes burned with the lack of rest. I needed caffeine like yesterday.
Snooki handed over a mug brimming with mocha goodness, just how I liked it.
“Thanks,” I muttered, taking a sip. Perfection!
“So, how’re things going?”
Blinking, I tried to discern what she meant. “Good. Finally feel like I’ve found my footing.”
“Oh?” She leaned against the counter, scrutinizing me from head to toe, and I wondered what sparked this conversation.
“Daniel, uh, Chaos, asked me to help with Zara. She’s a sweet little girl, and it makes me feel useful.” Since Snooki was in charge of the club girls, I felt it prudent to fill her in on the arrangement. “He insisted on paying me a wage for it, so I’m not sure how that affects things.”
She snorted. “You can do whatever you want to make a buck, babe, as long as you’re fulfilling your duties with the guys. You know how it works. No charge for rent, utilities, or food, but you’re on your own for anything else. Most of the girls have some kind of side hustle for extra cash.”
“Then there’s no worries that I’m doing this?”
“None, babe.” She tilted back her cup, emptying the contents down her throat before placing it in the sink. “But you still have your cleaning and cooking rotations. No exceptions. Alright?”
“That’s no problem. I can get that done while Zara naps.”
“Sounds like it’s going to work out great.”
“I know it will.”
She stared at me a moment as if choosing her words carefully. “I know it’s been a challenge walking into this life. Club girls get a bad rep sometimes, but it’s a fun, exciting life if you can handle all the shit that comes with the territory. You’ve been here for eleven months now, and I think you’ve earned your spot. If you ever need anything, let me know. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you,” I replied, swallowing down the thick lump of emotion that surfaced as I jumped out of my seat and threw my arms around her slender waist in a crushing hug. “You’re like the sister I never had, Snooki.”