Page 4 of Slashers & Secrets
Though, a rude smile comes over Zane’s face, and I can hear the gasps of my friends behind me.
“Shit,” Eloise whispers.
Zane turns toward me. “Are you talking about last weekend, when I fucked her pussy on my bed? Yeah, something’s going on with us, all right.”
My eyes go wide, and my jaw unhinges when Archer tenses a moment before his elbow goes forward, plowing straight into the bridge of Zane’s nose. Zane shoots to the ground, his ass falling into the shallow water.
“Don’t talk like that about my girl again, or I’ll bust your entire face,” Archer growls.
Zane shakes his head as he gets up, blood pouring down his nose and between his lips.
Archer’s eyes catch onto mine, and he nods his head. “Come here, Lakyn,” he orders.
I swallow, shaking my head. “Just let him go.”
His eyes narrow. “Come here, Lakyn.Now.” His words are sharp, and I take a breath just as the girls release my wrists. Stepping forward, the water feels icy as my bare feet cut through the surface, the soles sliding against the smooth, slippery rocks beneath. Kyler and Creed take a step forward, both of them standing off to the side. They look angry, their bodies wound tight. Their jaws are clenched, hands fisted at their sides, ready to pounce.
I stop once I’m a few feet away, and Archer grabs onto Zane’s drenched shirt, pulling him close. “Besides the fucking obvious fact of you fucking with what’s mine, tell little Lakyn why you’re really here.”
My head cocks to the side.What?
For the first time tonight, Zane looks a little apprehensive.
“What the fuck is going on?” I bark at Zane.
Archer shakes him. “Tell her, asshole.”
A shadow crosses Zane’s face, and when he looks at me this time, he’s like a complete stranger.
He digs into his pocket, pulling out a scrap of paper. It’s drenched, soggy, and nearly transparent as he holds it out for me.
“What is that?” I point to it, feeling like it’s an unknown creature instead of a piece of paper.
“Fucking take it,” he snaps.
My eyes widen, and I clench my jaw as I stare at him. Zane has never spoken to me with anything but kindness, and I feel like he’s finally revealing his true self.
Delicately, I grab it from him, unwrapping the fine paper tentatively, careful not to tear it. It’s hard to read, the chicken scratch handwriting blurred and messy.
But then I see my name at the top, my date of birth, my social security number, and account numbers.
All my personal account numbers.
A frown takes over my face, and I raise my head to his, shaking the piece of paper in my fingers. “What the fuck is this?”
He smiles. “Never trust a nice guy, Lakyn. We’re not really as nice as we seem.”
I snap forward, shoving Archer out of the way as I grab his shirt. I haul his face to mine, raging fire in my eyes. “What did you do, Zane?”
“The thing is, when you meet a girl with wealth as great as yours, how are you able to find yourself an equal? You’re instantly below her, sweeping the dust off her feet and hoping she’ll give you a leftover scrap. But you don’t, Lakyn, because every inch of you belongs to every inch ofthem. So, I took what I wanted, because I knew you’d never give it to me.”
I lean in closer, my lips curling back as I seethe. “What you wanted? As in, you’ve been after my fucking money all along?”
He leans back, tilting his head toward the sky as he barks out a laugh.
“Money is power, baby. And I would’ve never had power being with you, so I might as well have taken what was left.”
I gape at him, my body tensing in rage.