Page 36 of Spark of Obsession
Rain pelts down onto the parked car. Collins opens the driver’s side door and rushes inside before he gets soaked. How much time has passed? It never even occurred to me that we hadn’t even moved yet.
I slip off Graham’s lap and instantly regret my moment of weakness. He adjusts his dress pants, and I can see the consequence of my lack of self-control.
I retreat back into my shell. My safe cocoon. This was a mistake.
Something tells me that the longer I spend with Graham, the more we’ll repeat this mistake. He is dangerous to my willpower.
“Angie?” Graham repeats. “You can’t keep ignoring me.”
I can feel his eyes on me, but I refuse to look over. Instead, I watch the rain fall onto the ground, darkening the pavement, forming rippling puddles.
“What’s happening?” I ask. The sensation of the car moving makes learning his answer all the more important, more urgent.
“Whatever do you mean?”
You know damn well what I mean.My attention snaps to Graham. He wears a modern black suit with a gray dress shirt. Everything about his look screams designer, one-of-a-kind, and expensive.
“I expected you to come in a Prius. And you brought this instead?” I ask, gesturing to the surroundings. I catch Collins’s reflection in the rearview mirror, revealing a subtle smirk.
“Trying to emasculate me?”
I giggle loudly, covering my mouth with my fist to keep from pissing Graham off further. Good, he took it as I intended. There is something about this man that brings out a completely different side of me—one I am realizing I have partially buried over the years. Hanging around Graham is like introducing myself to parts of my personality that I have never met.
“You can fuck with me. But not the car, Miss McFee.” His serious tone has my head doing loops as to whether or not I should take him at face value.
Fuck with you? Now that is an interesting thought. “Where is Dominic?” I ask, looking at Collins for an answer. My pressing inquisition of the taciturn man has Graham coming to his defense.
“Quit distracting my employee. Now, buckle your belt, or I’ll do it for you.”
It’s not a request. The look he shoots my way tells me that our game playing is on pause for the moment. “So bossy.” I snap the strap into place, while never losing focus of the confusing man adjacent to me. “Where is Dominic?”
“I heard you the first time.”
“Then answer the damn question, or I’m out of here.” My demanding tone surprises me enough to make the words sound semi-authentic and believable.
“Collins,” I snap, “where’s Dominic?”
“He isn’t going to answer you,” Graham growls. “And quit obsessing over another man. Your boss, might I add.”
“So you would just take me somewhere against my will?”
He scoffs, a curve forming on his lips. His eyebrows scrunch into a V. “I would bet my life’s worth that, when given the opportunity, you would consent to whatever I want to do. Your lips proved that fact.”
“Pretty smug, aren’t we, Mr. Hoffman? Hope your ego isn’t compensating for other inadequate areas of your”—I look down his body, tapping a finger against my mouth—“life.”
A smirk forms on his lips. “Everyone has a price.” He swallows hard and lets his eyes trail down my body. “I’m not lacking anywhere, Miss McFee.”
“I am not—” For sale. I want to say more, but the truth is this job is my ticket to financial stability.
Graham’s left hand rests on the seat between us. He leans in to whisper in my ear, just enough to censor the words from Collins’s ears. “You keep playing with fire, my little pyro,” he rasps, “you are going to get burned.”
I do a double take. I’m not his anything. He just called me a pyromaniac. How dare he! We barely know each other and now he is name-calling. My shock only fuels the flame burning brightly in his eyes. “Is this a warning?”
“Most definitely. Although, foreshadowing is probably the better description. Something tells me that you just can’t help yourself.”