Page 86 of Spark of Obsession
I slip into the passenger seat. Graham pulls out of the spot, and the engine purrs as we exit the garage.
“Plus, the Mercedes is in the shop getting cleaned.”
“Oh.” Because of me, probably. “Sorry.
He glances over at me. “It’s routine, Angie.”
I am either extremely transparent with my emotions, or Graham is extremely intuitive. Both theories unnerve me.
He pulls onto the interstate with ease. The ride is really nice. Smooth.
“I should text Claire. Do you have my cell?”
He reaches into his coat pocket and hands over my device.
“You had it this whole time?” I ask.
“You didn’t seem to miss it, did you?”
“That’s not the point.”
I turn it on and wait for the logo screen to come to life. I check my text messages and see that Zander messaged me to see how I am doing. So did Resa. There are two missed calls from Claire with a voice message. I listen to the recording. She is just letting me know that Ethan will be spending the night. I text Zander back a quick message.
When Graham pulls into the spot beside my parked car, he jogs to my side and helps me out. He pops open the trunk to pull out my bag of hospital toiletry items. The name McFee is written along the side with Sharpie marker, and the image causes a shiver to run through me. The last time I was in the hospital was when—
My heart feels like it is creeping up my throat.
Graham’s hand touches mine gently. “Everything okay?”
I know he wants to say more but doesn’t pry. We walk side by side up the stairs to the front door. When we get to the top, he turns to face me. He gently grabs the waistband of my sweatpants and tugs me closer to him.
“When can I see you again?”
I look up into his waiting eyes. They are hooded. Sad almost.
“I have a lot of schoolwork to get caught up on. But I might be able to get a break midweek.”
Graham gives me a single nod. He leans down and presses his lips to mine. He lingers there with his simple kiss that is so sweet and gentle that I think I might faint. My heart races in anticipation of what he will do next. His fingertips play with the bare exposed skin under my waistband. There is no denying how much I want him. I move my head back to catch my breath and release myself from his hold to unlock my door with the key. He stands stoically on the doorstep waiting for me to step inside.
“Bye, Graham.”
“Bye, Angie.”
For an entire week, Graham has made zero effort to contact me. I assume he has lost interest. Most men do. While part of me is sad over this occurrence, the other part—the more sensible part—is happy for the ability to focus. I submerge myself in schoolwork, making several trips back and forth to the campus library to retrieve journalism books, speak with past professors, and meet with Dr. Williams. I feel refreshed, productive, and ready to enter another busy weekend.
While waiting for my laptop to power up, I check my phone messages and find the one from the agency alerting me about potential dates. I accept the evenings with Mark Tanner, justifying in my head that I need the money and I want to figure out what he is hiding. Luckily, I am not given a list of qualifications with regard to my wardrobe and hygiene this time. Maybe he can trust me to dress myself this time.
I find the charity gala’s website and remind myself of all the things I need to know for the event. At least I won’t have to go alone. Zander is so easy to hang out with and knows how to adapt to social situations better than I do. Plus, having Claire there for moral support always helps. I text myself the address, as it has changed locations from last year’s event.
I hop out of bed and make a beeline for the stairs, ignoring my typical morning ritual. In the living room, I find what has become the new norm playing out in front of me. This time Ethan is rather decent, in a white undershirt and jeans, and Claire is on his lap, cuddling in his black buttoned-down shirt. She could easily model men’s clothing for some swanky designer, showing guys how amazing their clothes could look on and off their bodies. It’s perfect advertising on a real-life mannequin.
“Hey you,” she says using my greeting, a warm smile playing at her lips. Oh, she is so smitten.
I give a quick wave to Ethan.