Page 19 of La Petite Morte
Ihad trained my men to please me, careful to respect them as well, I mean they were technically the undead.
They eased my hunger for power. My own little personal harem, each beautiful in their own way. You may think me selfish, but I’d saved each one. I’d taught them what it meant to submit to my control, and yet every now and then I’d give them back their power over me. Allowing them to feel they had control of my body as they saw fit
Those were the most delicious experiences. When I allowed them to do what they wanted. To take from me what I took from them.
Tonight, was the night before All Hallows Eve and the Ringmaster requested the best of shows for the weekend.
I avoided having all of them on stage with me, but I thought that we could give them a special show. Their energy would boost mine, and I needed every bit of it I could get before the demon stole it from me.
I was anxious tonight, and usually when I felt this way it meant something bad was about to happen. I had kept Jin close as his energy calmed me. Rodrigo matched my energy, and he paced back and forth backstage. Lazarus just stood on the sidelines, watching the crowd. Ever my protector.
"Where is Dean?" He turned to me and frowned.
I shrugged. "I thought he'd be here."
"Can't you sense him?"
I didn't respond. Lately I wasn't able to track Dean. It was as if something held me away from him and I didn't like that feeling one bit.
"The crowd seems antsy tonight."
I stood and went to him. "Well then let's make sure they enjoy the show."
I slid my hand up his chest and he leaned in for a kiss. Rodrigo snuggled against my leg. He was on all four, his leash was attached to the cuff on my right wrist. He wore his leather dog mask today, and I gave him a living pet as I kissed Lazarus.
Jin stood on the sidelines, watching. I came to understand that he enjoyed watching couples, more than his own pleasure.
The crowd began to gather, and the Ringmaster spoke.
Welcome one and All,
To an unforgettable evening.
Come and gather if you dare,
Your naughty little bits prepare,
To dive into a world of debauchery,
So beautiful,
You can't help but stare.
He walked off the stage,gesturing to the curtain which began to lift. Lazarus stood to my right, Rodrigo on his knees to my left, and Jin on the sidelines, pulling hard on his rope.
His silver hair shined in the light and his lean sinewy muscle flexed as he continued to turn the rope.
In. Out. Snap!
The crowd stirred, the women swayed, the men jerked with every snap. He began to dance, the rope his guide, with every slap on the floor the women gasped. He danced around us as Lazarus brought over the red leather padded BDSM bench.
Rodrigo slid his palms over my legs, pressing his nose to the crevice of my legs, taking a long inhale.
The power in my fingertips ignited and I breathed in the crowd's energy. It was unlike any other auto. Hot, passionate, and eager.
The crowd swayed, Jin danced, and I was flipped around and perched over the edge of the leather bench.