Page 10 of Always Delightful
Finally, Mom told the photographer, “I’m done. I need to see to our guests. You have plenty of me.”
Nodding in my direction, she added, “You’ll want to release my eldest daughter as soon as possible. She’s ready to commit homicide and she’s smart enough to get away with it.”
Bowing, the man smiled and replied in a heavy accent, “As you wish,senora. The pictures of you are exquisite.”
She waved her hand as she walked rapidly to Demetrius’ side.
I was so jealous of her escape I almost saidfuck itand followed. Instead, I let Gorgio tell me where to stand.
Beside the other bridesmaids, it was clear we wore the same dress but couldn’t be more different in every way.
There were a lot more curves tucked in mine and they still managed to look cute in the hideous color.
Not that I gave a single shit but who the hell put a curvy, olive-skinned brunette in canary yellow?
The entire affair was ludicrous and I was angrier by the second that I was forced out in public in such a getup.
One of the idiots chose that moment to chirp, “Oh,Kevin, you’re just soincorrigible!” The sentence was uttered in the most god-awful singsong voice. “You’re both sogorgeoustoday.”
Grossed out, I observed to no one in particular, “I can justimaginethe orgy of stupidity you fuckwits will engage in after several bottles of wine to help you pretend it was the drinking that made you do it.”
TheincorrigibleKevin blushed dark red and I went to sit down.
Surely, they didn’t need me to pose around thethirdfucking staircase in ten minutes.
I mumbled, “These bitches make me fucking nauseous and I’m not evendrunkyet.”
“Time to get to work on that then.” I glanced up in surprise. “I figured you for a rum and coke woman. If not, we’ll discuss your preference later. I’m Jack andyoumust be Petra.”
A sweating rocks glass appeared in my line of sight like an oasis in the desert.
“Sothat’swhat the real smile looks like. I worried you were still in character from your theater gig as the Joker.”
“Oh, you’rehilarious.” I took the first sip and sighed as he took the seat beside me. “And possibly the best person on the face of the planet. Was it that obvious I needed booze? Pills? Maybe heroin with an anti-freeze chaser?”
He laughed and it was one of those boisterous laughs that draw attention. A little piece of my heart belonged to him instantly.
“Your eyes keep flickering between escape desperation and homicidal rage. I’m probably the only one who noticed since I feel the same.”
We clinked our glasses together and his eyes flicked down and back to my face as he took a sip of his own drink.
“So. Thatdress…?”
I took a long swig and leaned my bare back against the cool wood of the bench ten feet from where the rest of the bridal party tittered with insane and unrealistic happiness.
“Mm, you like? My sister and herincomparablefashion sense. We look like extras fromBest Little Whorehouse, dinner theater style. I’m not nearly as cheap as this dress makes me look.”
I grinned and he leaned back, his hard shoulder pressing against my bare one. I felt a tingle. The man was in shape.
“On the contrary, you’re clearly thehighestclass of call girl. Three-thousand-a-night, not a goddamn penny less.”
I snarfed my drink and couldn’t control my laughter. My sister and her besties shot daggers my way.
“Fuck you, whores,” I told them calmly.
He bumped me. “I think you’rethemost popular girl at the school dance, Petra.”
I couldn’t remember the last person who made me smile from the instant I met them. What a pathetic commentary on my life that was.