Page 13 of Always Delightful
It was my turn to choke on my drink. I blotted my eyes as I laughed. It felt wickedly good.
“The entire ordeal made my already antagonistic relationship with my sister worse. I’m not angry, hurt, or otherwise unstable. You know, unless you count what I was born with.”
“It’s the same between Kevin and I.”
“I can imagine.”
“Does it make you nervous about future relationships?”
“Oddly, no.” I shrugged. “I didn’t love him and the moron wasincapableof listening in bed. Last time I’ll do that.”
A long silence ensued that gave me time to replay what I’d said in my brain.Yeah, you just referred to your sex life with his brother.
Finally, he leaned closer and whispered, “Last time you’ll consider marriage or last time you’ll have sex?”
I lost it again because I’m she who possessesnodignity in public. From the corner of my eye, I watched Ava pull an irate Kevin to the second floor.
“Bad sex but marriage is likely a no-go, too. My aunts worry I’m not wife material because I’m incapable of dealing with a man’s stupid shit.” I lifted my glass. “I have to agree.”
Twinkling gray eyes roamed my body from head to toe. “Ilikeyou, Petra. You’re the most honest person I’ve ever met. How the fuck did you get suckered into being maid of honor?”
“My mother’s homemade yogurt. It might sound crazy but I can’tlivewithout it.”
As if the statement made perfect sense, he nodded. “Moms. Mine threatened to share stories from my childhood on Facebook. When she showed me the pictures she planned to upload with her posts, I caved like a little bitch.”
“Ireallyneed to buddy up to your mom and get the dirt.”
Over his glass, he winked. “That’s whatIdid.”
“Mymomsold me out?” I asked jokingly. “I don’t believe it.”
“Believe it. Momslikeme.”
“They don’t like me. I tend to break their fragile sons.”
“Sounds ominous but I’m a hardy sort so I’m sure my mother will adore you. It’s strange that you didn’t meet her in all the time you dated Kevin.”
I tapped the side of my glass with my nail. Clearing my throat, I tried to figure out how to respond.
A big smile spread over his face. “You had no intentions of staying with him. Therefore, no desire to meet our mother.” He laughed. “It’s a shame since you’d probably be the only woman one of her sons brought home that she liked.”
“Oh,” I groaned. “I highly doubt that. I’m inappropriate at the best of times.” I lifted one shoulder. “He didn’t offer and I avoided the subject.”
“We weren’t introduced either,” he reminded me.
The observation made me laugh. “Why in thehellwould he put himself in the same room with you? I barely tolerated him without such a comparison. In fact, I’m fairly certain my sister is currently kicking herself.”
“Thank you for the compliment.”
“Oh, you’rewelcome.”
“Ava is vapid, greedy, and silly. Everything about her is surface and easy to pick apart.” I was shocked at the keen observation. Jack shook his head. “When my mother blackmailed me to be part of this train wreck, I agreed on one condition.”
“I’m breathless with anticipation.”
“I’d stand up as best man for the weasel if,” his eyes locked with mine, “she didn’t say one word about me scooping up the only woman he ever dated who made me envy him.”
Unusually flustered at the thought of beingscooped upby someone like Jack, I tried to come up with a witty response and failed. “Thank you.”