Page 17 of Always Delightful
Flustered, I stammered, “I…okay. Thank you.” Jack snorted beside me and I avoided looking at him.Decorum, Petra!
“I’ll be seeing you, dear.” Inclining her head at her oldest son, she added, “Keep him out of trouble.” Then she smiled at us and sauntered off into the crowd.
“I told you she’d like you.”
I quirked a brow. “Um,I’ll be seeing yousounds ominous.”
He grabbed my hand, pulled me out of my seat, and led me to the dance floor. “It’s only ominous to serial killers so you might have to reconsider careers.”
I grinned. “UFC it is then.”
Chapter Eight
“Wait right here, Petra.” He pressed his cheek to mine and went to talk to the DJ.
I watched him walk back as the first chords ofAt Laststarted to play. It was one of those songs that always got me.
He held out his hand and I put mine in it, sighing when he lifted it to kiss the back. Pressing my palm to the side of his neck, he took me in his arms and held me tight.
I stared into his eyes while we danced and he didn’t look away as the lyrics drifted around the room.
“Petra?” I waited. “May I kiss you?”
Gliding his hand up, he stroked my jaw with his thumb as he held my gaze. Lowering his mouth to mine, the instant our lips touched, his hold tightened on me.
I’d received many kisses in my life. None of them ever electrified me.
Jack was in no hurry. His tongue licked lightly across my lips and I opened for him. Willingly, gladly, excitedly.
For almost a minute, he held me in the middle of the dance floor at my sister’s wedding and showed me what I’d been missing all my life.
He broke the kiss as the song ended, lifted his head, and immediately kissed me again.
The next time he raised his face, he gave me a brilliant smile. “Even better than I imagined.”
I could barely breathe.
Not letting me go, he started dancing again but kept his eyes on mine. “Speechless?”
“You’ve given me fascinating new material to work with. My brain is trying to catch up.”
“I’m going to consider that a compliment.” He winked. “Take your time processing. I’m not going anywhere.”
Just like that, there was no awkwardness.
“You’re good-looking, successful, and anincrediblekisser…”
He nodded sagely. “You’re trying to figure out why I’m single. I get it. Who wouldn’t want this hot property?”
I snorted. “Something like that.”
“This may come as a shock…”
“And me with no fainting couch nearby.”
“I’ve dated.” I gave him an expression of disbelief. “I know. No purity ring on these fingers.”