Page 37 of Always Delightful
Glancing up with a sigh, I said, “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Crossing his arms on the table, he leaned toward me. “I know you are. Just because everyone else moves with the herd doesn’t make itright, Petra. You’re one of the few people who know you can haveeverythingyou’re willing to work for.”
It was the exact right thing to say.
It reminded me what I needed to talk to him about. “Thanks.”
Rebecca returned with our wine and a basket of bread. I placed an order for a mixture of appetizers so Jack could try several specialties on the menu.
The moment she was out of hearing, I met his eyes. “I’d like to ask you something.”
He didn’t move, he didn’t blink. He said, “I wondered how long it would take.”
“What do you mean?”
“Until my brother and your sister compared notes and gave you a call. I should have known they’d have nothing better to do than talk aboutuson their honeymoon.” He sat back, tapping his finger on the table. “Ask your question.”
“Did you stalk me before you met me at the wedding?”
Chapter Fifteen
I was so shocked at the simple answer I couldn’t look away from Jack’s face. My mouth opened and closed twice as I tried to formulate a response.
Finally, I managed, “For how long?”
“Off and on since you started seeing Kevin.”
“You weren’t his type and he’s a douche.”
“Am Iyourtype?”
“Are you sure? Maybe you sort ofmademe your type.”
“I doubt you’ll believe anything I say about this.” He glanced through the window to the water beyond. “I realize it looks bad. Nothing I say is going to change the fact that I behaved inappropriately.” He returned his gaze to me. “I’m afraid I don’t regret it.”
“You don’t?”
“No. I don’t.
I took a sip of my wine. “What do you think my sister told me?”
He released a humorless laugh. “I can only imagine.”
“What do you think my mother said about all of this?”
“You spoke to your mother?” I nodded. He gave me a genuine smile and I saw some of his tension ease away. “I’m glad you did.”
“Ava isn’t a reputable source. My mother is above reproach.” The silence drew out between us and I watched him watch me. “At first, I was angry. I felt manipulated.”
“I’m sorry.”
“That changed to confusion because I’m not the sort of woman men lose their shit over.”