Page 8 of Always Delightful
It drives Avanuts, which would have been a huge bonus.
My wandering gaze settled on the man holding my same position a dozen feet away. Kevin’s older brother Jack.
The groom and groomsmen waited at the front of the area set up for the wedding when the bridesmaids assembled.
I’d never had a chance to meet the best man before but heard tons of lies about him from my ex-asshole.
Imeanmy almost bro-in-law. Duh.
Jack was a successful photojournalist who traveled the world for the sole purpose of making his younger brother look like a jealous loser. (No, seriously. That’s what Kevin thinks.)
I took him in with a brief once-over and pronounced himdelectable. Shaggy blonde hair, tall and lean, and I-spend-lots-of-time-outside rugged.
I was positive Ava specifically had the men and women enter separately so I wouldn’t be seen on the hottie’s arm.
Spiteful bitch.
Seeing the expression of disgust and boredom I wore reflected on his face caused a tiny snort of amusement before I could rein it in. As if I would have.
His gray eyes met mine and we shared a moment of silent mirth. Then hewinked.
I pressed my lips together after my unchecked gasp of laughter and the bride and groom’s heads turned to glare at me. Rolling my eyes, I sucked my teeth at them for good measure.
For my mother, I regained my composure and fixed my stare on the intricate design of the stained-glass window directly behind the raised dais.
The entire situation wasabsurdand my stomach cramped from holding back raucous laughter trying to claw its way out of my body.
I focused on Mom. She’d bedisappointedin me if I made a scene during their vows, damn it. There was a chance she’dcry. Ugh, I never wanted to make her cry.
With inhuman effort, I faked some decorum and remembered thatsoonI could pony up to the nearest open bar and get my good time on. The minutes ticked by and I zoned out.
“By the power invested in me…”
“I now pronounce you…”
Blah, blah, blah. Time to get the hell out of here.
My sister glanced smugly in my direction and I tossed her the monstrosity she insisted on for her bouquet. Fumbling, she barely caught it and opened her mouth to shriek at me. Managing to snap her lips shut just in time, she grimaced.
Inside, Idied.
Ava wouldn’t want to give away thesecret shrew surpriseto her new hubby too early in the game.
I cocked my hip in the bright yellow harlot gown my dear, dear sister chose for me and dropped my hand on it.
She huffed, put her hand through Kevin’s arm, and descended the stage at his side with her nose stuck in the air.
It was the ideal chance to escape. I ignored everyone else and banked to the right while the rest of the crowd moved down the center.
I fully intended to be one of the first ten people in line for booze because I’d fuckingearnedthat shit. Exit ahead, cool refreshmentwaitingfor me on the other side.
Steps away from liquid salvation, a tight grip on my bare upper arm brought verbal destruction rising fast and furious to my tongue. I was yanked around roughly and...
Fuck me running.
Chapter Five