Page 10 of Never Quiet
“Mom did the mural and basic design. Morgan and Harrison picked your furniture. Bill and Nate did all the renovation. Zoe took care of your work space,” Noel said behind her from where she leaned against the door frame. “I handled the laptop. By handled, I mean I called Hayden and had him design you a top of the line model with everything he thought you’d need and government level security. He said he included presents only you would understand.”
“The man has an uncanny grasp of my brain so…really looking forward to checking those out.”
Mandy stood in the middle of the room turning in circles. Her hand over her mouth, tears tracked down her cheeks.
“You didn’t think Heather was going to get a new room and we’d forget about the coolest member of our family, did you?” her mom asked softly. “This fits who you are now, I think.”
Mandy hugged everyone over and over. “It’s beautiful, so beautiful that it doesn’t seem real. More than I would’ve dreamed for my own room. I love it.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “I love you for thinking about me, doing something so personal and perfect. Thank you all so much.”
Caroline stepped forward and smoothed her fingers through Mandy’s hair. “Take a minute. Soak it in. We’ll go downstairs and when you’re ready, you come down and we’ll feed you until you can’t move.”
They all kissed her and pulled the door closed behind them. On the wall behind the door was a collection of her photos from the Keys, framed and arranged in various sizes.
There were some of the beach and underwater shots she’d taken on their dive tours. There were pictures of the couples, Sterling, some of her with Davis and Erick, a few of the two of them, and some of her with each.
She touched the edge of one she’d taken of Erick on the Harding charter boat. He’d been driving while Dakota and Gunner walked through the basics about the area and safety precautions with their clients.
Erick stood behind the wheel on the upper deck, the wind lifting his shaggy darker hair, his tanned upper body bare. Sunglasses hid his eyes and she remembered thinking that he made a striking image against the clear blue sky behind him.
Staring at the photo now, one of the bigger ones in the grouping, made her breath catch. He was more than two thousand miles away so seeing him in her room in Colorado made it easier somehow.
She took her time exploring her entire room, rebuilt closet, and all the new gifts her family added to her desk and bookshelf. She checked out her laptop and immediately texted Hayden.
This laptop is brilliant. You’re a tech god…thank you! I love it!
He wrote back a minute later.
I can’t have the smartest person I know laboring with a brick of technology. You need the best to work. Let me know if you need anything else. Also, found a great study just finished on pesticides you need to see. I’ll send the link.
Instantly interested, Mandy clicked on the link and lowered into the comfortable reading chair they’d placed in the corner of the room. She got distracted and lost track of time.
She stood, stretched, and walked to the door. Looking back made her smile.
It wasn’t a little girl’s room anymore.
* * *
A month later, she was working on her laptop when she received a notification of a friend request on Facebook.
It was from Erick Harding.
She accepted it and a message popped up a minute later. She stared at his profile picture and held her breath.
Hey there, Mandy. I figured it was time we were friends on here since you’re friends with everyone else in my life. Davis showed me pics of your new room. Kind of choked me up a little to know you love the time you spend here that much. Anyway, I’m not on much but wanted to say hello. Hope things are awesome in Colorado.
She read the message four times before she felt capable of replying without sounding like an idiot.
Hi, Erick! It makes sense that we’re friends here as well. I didn’t send you a request because I didn’t want to cramp your style. Ha ha. Yeah, I love the ocean and all of you are like another family to me. It’s nice to be surrounded by reminders until I see everyone again next year. I’m working on next year’s science project. I have a couple of new programs and some awesome data H sent that I’m going to share with you. I think you’ll be amazed. I’m nerding out over here (the man is brilliant). Hug your family for me. Be safe.
Quickly saving what she’d been working on, she left her room and went to find Zoe. She was in the kitchen prepping veggies for dinner. Heather was sleeping in the little bassinet near the kitchen table.
Leaning on the counter beside her, she sighed. “Can I ask you something, Mom?”
The petite brunette smiled. “I love when you call me Mom. Ask me anything, honey.”
“It’s, uh, about Erick.” Zoe smiled. “Do you think it’s kind of ridiculous, childish, for me to be so attached to him at fourteen?” She shrugged one shoulder and added, “I know most people, they aren’t like that.”
Drying her hands, Zoe turned to her. “The first time I met your dad, I was instantly shaken. I was in love with him within days, Mandy. Days after meeting him, I loved him and wanted him to be mine. As a logical woman, I felt juvenile and a little confused.” Reaching out, she put her hand on Mandy’s shoulder. “Then I realized that I felt amazing around him, around you. I felt like the person I was supposed to be. I let myself go with it.”