Page 101 of Never Quiet
“Hello, Harper! Yes, we are kissing and it’s entirely my fault. You look great. Elijah, you look…relaxed.”
Harper frowned. “In what way could it possibly be your fault, Amanda? Hayden is much too…”
“Let me stop you right there. First, I’m probably more mature than you so let’s not quibble over numbers. Second, I’m seriously turned on by his enormous…brain.” She’d never heard Elijah laugh in public. It was lovely.
Firmly, Harper said, “Amanda…”
Just as firmly, she replied, “Harper…”
Focusing on Hayden’s face, she cupped the back of his head and planted another kiss on his lips. Then she let him go and walked around him to Harper and Elijah.
“Stop being stuffy. It doesn’t suit you and you’re just doing it because you think you should, Harper.” She hugged him tightly and turned to Elijah. Smiling gently, she said, “You really do look so calm. I’m glad.” Then she hugged him and returned to Hayden, wrapping her arm around his waist.
“We deserve some fun and if we choose to have fun together, trust me, we’re smart enough to figure things out. Being judgy will just make me ignore you and do what I want anyway.”
“Does your grandmother know…”
She pointed at Harper. “If you must know, I texted Caroline earlier for advice. She said she could see us clicking that way. She added to kiss her darling Hayden for her and not mention things to her dear Harper as he tended to worry.” Arching her brow, she added, “She’ll never care what I do as long as I’m safe. Also, tattling is uncool, Harper. Say something nice.”
The eldest Delkin released a heavy sigh. “Fine. You look great dancing together.”
“Thank you, I agree. Caroline and Noel told me about your girlfriend. She sounds wonderful.” The men’s eyes lit up and Amanda looked between them. “That’s the look you should wear all the time.”
“I wish you could meet her. She’s recovering from a chemical episode.” Harper rubbed his temple hard. “She was sprayed in the face.”
“I’m sorry, Harper! She’s alright?” Harper nodded. “Can I get a sample for analysis? I know you have your own…”
“No, I’d love you to take a look. You saved a lot of lives in the Congo. We didn’t want to leave Gabriella but there were meetings I couldn’t reschedule tomorrow.”
Smiling slowly, she murmured, “I note the use of we and it makes me glad. I’ll report back that all the pieces of you are well and truly fitted in place, Harper.”
He stepped forward and tilted his head as he looked at her. In her heels, she was slightly taller. “From the first time I met you, I found you spectacular. You’re more so now.” He nodded at his brother. “I don’t think he’s danced in years. What an interesting effect you have.”
“All will be well, Harper. We’ll work and play and talk until we pass out. It will be a nice break from the horrible shit he deals with and my fun little bounty.” She kissed their cheeks and turned to put herself back in Hayden’s arms. He took possession of her instantly. “Go away now. We’re dancing.”
Laughing, the pair bowed and left the dance floor.
“We were interrupted.” Then she kissed Hayden again and he moaned softly into her mouth. “You smell incredible.” Opening her eyes, she stared into his but couldn’t read what he was thinking. “Tell me.”
“I don’t always know how to talk to him.”
“That’s alright. Families are a work in progress.” Nuzzling his cheek, she whispered, “Dance with me, kiss me, and let’s talk about shit no one else would find remotely interesting but makes me giddy inside. Thrill me with your gorgeous brain, Hayden.”
Smiling, he spun her around the dance floor, talked about a dozen different topics, and punctuated them with kisses.
It wasn’t until he escorted her into her building, kissed her goodnight, and left with a wink that she realized he was the first person to take her on real dates.
Hayden had been a wonderful friend to her for years. She wasn’t ashamed to admit she was physically attracted to him. As she got ready for bed, she hoped to dream about him again.
Then, she did.
* * *
During her conversation with Noel about the situation the following day, Amanda asked if it was terrible of her to want to have sex with someone she wasn’t fully in love with.
Noel laughed for a full minute.
Her aunt then gave her way too many details about way too many things until Amanda shook her head.
“A simple no would have sufficed. Holy shit, Noel. You and Harper? Really? I am shaken.”
“I’ve buried more than bodies, my sweet niece.”
“Never again.”
At least three nights a week, Hayden came to pick her up. The more time she spent in his company, his hands casually touching her as they went to galleries, restaurants, and the theater, the more she craved his touch.
Having her aunt, her uncles, her darling Callileah, and her bodyguard friends around her was wonderful but she was mature enough to admit that Erick had flipped a switch inside her as a grown woman.
She wanted pleasure for pleasure’s sake.