Page 107 of Never Quiet
“Are the parents dead?” He nodded. “There were…other people there?” His eyes closed. “You killed them all and I’m glad. I’m so fucking glad none of those people can hurt another child. There are less monsters in the world.”
She kissed him, tugged him from the shower, dried him, and whispered, “I want to give you what you need, Hayden. You experienced horror. Let me show you some beauty.”
Until dawn, she did.
* * *
The day of the gala, Amanda was a nervous wreck. Morgan organized a massage and someone to do her hair and makeup.
The stylist was well over six-feet tall, had gorgeous skin and coloring, was incredibly kind, and impressed with the products she was given to work with.
Hand on her hip, BiBi told her, “It’s not like I’m going to have to try very hard. I mean, you’re pretty much the ideal canvas. Let’s do this, honey.”
The results were amazing.
Because the primary color of the logo was green and she was giving a speech about environmental protection, Callie designed a deep green formal gown in raw silk.
Amanda’s eyes had never looked so green and the fabric felt incredible against her skin.
When she was ready, Morgan and Harrison stood on either side of her. The three of them stared at Amanda’s entire body in the corner mirror with a critical eye.
Callie sat on the bed, nervously chewing the side of her nail.
“Amanda…” Harrison’s voice was a whisper.
“I concur,” Morgan added reverently.
“I’m so scared, guys.”
They moved in front of her and Morgan took her hand. “You are a vision, Amanda. A vision. Nerves are natural but you’re going to be spectacular.”
“I-I’ve never worn jewelry like this…”
“Emeralds are timeless, classic, and perfect for you. Deep breath, darling. In, nice and deep, and exhale. There you go.” He smiled. “Do you have your charm bracelet?”
Lifting the hem of her floor-length gown, she showed them her ankle above four-inch designer shoes that cost more than her horse. “I wanted to be able to wear it tonight so I had a few links added to make it longer.”
Since Noel gave her the bracelet, she added at least one charm every year. The last one was a small platinum apple to represent her move to New York.
Amanda stared at her reflection and wondered where the girl was who’d always been in jeans and t-shirts, her hair in a messy braid, and talking a mile a minute to anyone who’d listen.
The gown clung to her upper body in a swirling design that gradually flared out as it descended to the floor.
“Callie. I don’t know how you came up with this but…thank you.” She turned and bent to hug a girl who felt like another sister. “I love you so much. You are brilliant.”
“I was really nervous, Amanda.”
“It’s perfect. Nothing could have been better.” Kissing her cheeks, she whispered, “You’ll be okay home alone?” She nodded. “I wish you could go with us…”
“It’s going to be too crazy. You go and we’ll celebrate tomorrow. Good luck, Amanda. You’re not going to need luck but I’ll wish it anyway.”
“Thanks.” One more kiss and Amanda grabbed her clutch. Her notes for her speech were inside but she wouldn’t need them. Turning to her uncles, she said, “Let’s do this.”
She walked into her living room and Hayden turned from a discussion with her team. His eyes moved down her body slowly and back to her eyes.
“Amanda. I am stunned.” He approached and circled her. When he reappeared in front of her, he said, “As beautiful as you are in leggings and a tank top, I should be prepared for you to make me breathless, speechless. I never am.”