Page 109 of Never Quiet
“Thank you, Harper.” Stepping to the podium, she smiled as dozens of photos were taken.
Since my family can’t be here tonight, I have a friend recording my speech for them. I’ll be signing so they don’t miss it.
There were murmurs around the room as she stepped away from the podium, without notes or a teleprompter, took a deep breath, and began speaking while she signed.
I was born with a pretty face and a body that’s easy to dress. For that, I’m grateful. However, my passion has always been science. Specifically, the environment. As I child, I was obsessed with discovering ways to repair the damage humanity has already caused and protecting the Earth from future destruction.
The fashion and beauty industry use an incredible amount of planetary resources while the same results could be achieved with far less waste and substantially less injury to the only home we have.
She recited several statistics about environmental pollution, plastic use in makeup manufacturing, and the long-term damage to the planet if processes weren’t changed.
I was thrilled to be asked to be the spokesperson for Eco Beauté because their approach to beauty manufacturing is decades ahead of other cosmetic and personal care companies.
Before I agreed, I did extensive digging into their raw material sourcing, testing practices, general operations, and packaging. Overall, they produce seventy-percent less waste than any other company in their field. They use sustainable materials, operate organically in every area possible, and push both their manufacturing and operational divisions to follow strict recycling programs and green practices.
While most people might have been more concerned with the paycheck, that isn’t my position. I want to know a product, a brand, that I represent mirrors my own push to protect the planet.
Eco Beauté met and exceeded those ideals. I’m proud to endorse them, impressed with the quality of their products – which I’m wearing exclusively tonight, and cannot wait to spread the word to men and women around the world about the ability to have beauty…without pain. No toxins being topically applied to your skin, no raping the planet of finite resources, and far less pollution for our children and their children to mop up after we’re all gone.
I’d like to personally thank the Delkin Acquisitions and Eco Beauté families for their care, friendship, and consideration. To my beloved family, particularly my precious little sister, and friends scattered from coast to coast…I love you.
Dropping her hands, she smiled as cameras flashed and applause erupted. Morgan appeared beside her, extended his hand with a bow, kissed the back of hers, and placed it on his arm to guide her off the stage.
Amanda was swarmed at the base of the steps and moved back in nervousness. She bumped into Hayden who stood directly behind her. His hand moved to her hip and squeezed lightly.
She whispered, “Thank you.”
He glanced down with the still expression he wore in public and winked. “You’re an incredible woman, Amanda. Incredible.”
* * *
There were hours to follow of interviews, introductions, and general schmoozing with the movers and shakers who decided if a model was worthy.
Naturally, she didn’t care if they found her worthy. One way or another, she’d accomplish her goals.
Several magazines approached her throughout the night to arrange spreads and she started every conversation the same way, to their obvious surprise.
“Tell me about your move into the digital realm. I know there will always be a demand for printed magazines and books but how are you embracing new methods to make your company more environmentally friendly?”
Most had no answers to her questions but a few were happy to expand on their ecologically-minded plans. They would be the magazines she gave priority.
At one point, Morgan murmured, “You’re much less greedy than me, darling. I took every paycheck if it had enough zeroes. I like your style.”
“Thank you. Living with myself is worth fewer zeroes – though I realize it impacts your percentage. I’m sorry.”
“You are not.”
“I’m really not. We can both take the hit for a cause.”
“Fine. You’ll pay for our next fancy brunch.”
“An excellent deal.”
“You forget the gloves and Harrison may truly faint.”
“Darling, the gloves are the most important part.”
Turning to her, he gathered her in a hug as cameras went off around them. “How I adore you, Amanda.” He leaned back, glanced past her, back to her face, and whispered. “Perhaps, a moment alone to gather your thoughts?”