Page 114 of Never Quiet
“Please, please don’t ask me, Morgan. I’m begging you.”
He gathered her in a hug. “Alright, darling. Sit for a moment and I’ll get you a drink.” She nodded and he left.
Dropping into the closest chair, Amanda took several deep breaths that caught sharply as the redhead lowered to the seat in front of her.
Tawny folded her arms on the back. “Which is it?”
“I don’t…what?”
“I can tell Hayden has told you things he’s rarely, maybe never, shared with another soul. Is it that we used to sleep together?”
“No, I don’t care about that. He’s a grown man, my god. Anyway, no, please don’t ask anymore…”
“So it’s that you just came face to face with Isabella’s sister.”
Closing her eyes, Amanda fought an internal battle. Then she opened them and replied, “While I’m aware that Isabella is Hayden’s first and true love…no, that’s not exactly it. Do you question everyone like this?”
“No. Wait, yes. Hmm, it’s sort of a yes and no answer.” Tawny frowned. “You’re really upset. You’re shaking.”
“Please,” Amanda whispered staring at her lap. “I can’t talk about this here. I can’t talk about this at all. Especially not with Hayden’s long-time lover and one of his best friends.” Inhaling, she met the woman’s eyes with effort and added, “I don’t say anything unless I have facts. That’s who I am.”
“Whatever it is, you’re afraid you’re going to lose him. He loves you, Amanda. In all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him the way he is now. Not with me, not with anyone. Do you understand?”
Amanda nodded as tears slipped over her cheeks. She wiped them away and pulled her shit together. “I know Hayden loves me and I love him. I’m almost certain I’ll lose him anyway.” She gasped softly saying it aloud. “I’ve known it from the start but…I don’t care. He’s worth the pain and I will put him first. If y-you’ll excuse me. I need a minute.”
She walked out of the box and bumped into a man she didn’t know. He braced her arms and she started to apologize. Then she met his eyes.
It was the first word that entered her mind when she gazed into eyes that held nothing. He was an attractive man, older. His hands tightened on her bare upper arms and she wanted a shower instantly.
“Miss Lang, you’re even lovelier in person. Have you been crying, dear? I’m Winston Winters. It’s a pleasure to…”
Coldly, she pulled from his grasp and said, “I know who you are, Mr. Winters. I think you’ve been wanting to meet me for some time now. Six years, if I’m not mistaken.”
A slow smile spread over his face. “Bold as brass, aren’t you?”
“Yes, I am. Why are you here, Mr. Winters?”
“Why, the theater of course.” He winked and her skin crawled. “Also, a little birdie whispered you might be here and I wanted the tiniest peek.” His gaze moved down her body and back up again. “You are exquisite, Miss Lang. So much more than I imagined you’d be.”
“Take a good long look, Mr. Winters. Imagine all the perverse and horrifying things you’d love to do to my body and mind.” She stepped closer and he made a low sound like an animal scenting prey. “Winston…may I call you Winston?”
“Please do, Amanda.”
“Imagine this, Winston. A sheltered young woman like me, overwhelmed after years of trauma, might think you were the frightening human trafficker after her. She could lose her mind, just a little, for just a moment, and hit you hard enough to crush your aged windpipe like a hollow chocolate rabbit.”
“Careful, Amanda dear.” A muscle twitched in his jaw.
“Afterward, she’d be confused, filled with regret. Absolutely horrified by what she’d done. She’d beg for leniency, perhaps she’d have to spend some time in a mental health facility to get some much-needed therapy.” She lowered her voice and hoped it was suitably seductive. “Do you have any family to mourn your passing, Winston? Have you hidden all your bodies very, very well? Perhaps the world would release a great sigh of relief, even be grateful to that poor, confused girl, for slaying a monster they didn’t know had lived among them.”
Stepping closer, she added, “If you ever approach me again, I won’t pause to outline my plan. I will take my shot and roll the dice.” Drawing herself up to her full height, she was taller. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
He said softly, “You’ll regret that, Amanda.”
Releasing a laugh wasn’t easy but she did it. “Perhaps I will. On the other hand, perhaps you’ll regret ever developing an itch for me, Winston. I’ll make you wish you never heard my name, never got hard thinking about raping me, never jerked off fantasizing about my screams.”
“Amanda, I slaughtered your mother like cattle…”