Page 13 of Never Quiet
She twirled a long strand around her finger. “You braid my hair?”
“Absolutely. Your hair is getting so long.”
“I don’t like you leaving.”
“I know, sweetheart.”
“I love you, Mandy.”
“I love you, too.”
“You come back fast and play.”
“I promise.” Holding out her hand, Heather put hers in it. “Are you hungry?” The little girl shook her head. “You obviously inherited Mommy’s stomach. Will you keep me company while I make a snack?” She dropped gently off the swing and took Mandy’s hand so they could walk inside.
Her sister was a fascinating mix of all the women in her life. It was always hard to leave her but seeing everyone in the Keys thrilled her.
She wondered what Erick had been up to. While she texted back and forth with Davis daily and at least once a week with the Hardings and their significant others, Erick was hit or miss.
She’d find out the next day. Her heart raced.
* * *
Shawn was the only one waiting outside for them when they arrived in the Keys. He looked stressed.
As Mandy got out, he said, “The others are at the emergency room.”
She stumbled to a stop. “Sterling?”
“Of course. He tried to do a flip off the back stairs at their place and laid open a four-inch gash on his back.” He rubbed his head. “This is starting to make us look bad.”
“He’s so fast,” she murmured. “It’s hard to stop him in time.”
Noel and Rick walked up beside them and her aunt said, “If you need to get over there, we’ll prep food for when you get back.” She reached out to squeeze Shawn’s forearm. “Chaz is calmer when you’re around.”
Nodding, the big man said, “I’d appreciate it.” He grabbed Mandy in a big hug. “We missed you and you look more like your aunt every day. Gorgeous inside and out.” He kissed the top of her head. “You know where everything is. The front door is unlocked. Thanks.”
“Can I go with you?” Mandy asked. “I need to talk some sense into that boy.”
“Oh you are welcome to try. Nothing any of us say gets through to him.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “If you manage it, maybe we’ll get some sleep.”
Fifteen minutes later, the two of them approached the nurse at the front desk in the ER and Mandy said, “My baby brother was brought in a little while ago. I need to make sure he’s okay.” She gasped a bit at the end.
“Sure, honey! Oh, sure!” She asked for his name and Mandy gave it while twisting her fingers nervously. “Is this your dad?”
“My uncle. Please hurry. I’m so worried.” The woman buzzed her in with the bay number and Mandy grinned up at Shawn as the doors closed behind them. “Mom told me that the less opportunity you give someone to reject you, the more power you have in negotiations.”
“I cannot wait to meet her one day.”
“She’s so great…” They rounded the corner and it looked like a crime scene. Blood all over the adults, Sterling, and the hospital linens. She whispered, “Oh, no.”
Sterling was screaming and fighting the doctor trying to put stitches in his back. Walking around the adults and medical staff to the end of the bed, Mandy went to her knees on the floor.
At the little boy’s eye level where he was being held to his stomach, she said softly, “Hi, Sterling. I have missed you.”
He screamed, “It hurts! Make them stop! Please, Mandy!”
“I know it hurts. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry. They have to stop the bleeding. I know you’re hurting and afraid. Let me take your mind off it. We could play a game I play with my little sister when she’s scared. She’s deaf. Did you know that?” He shook his head as angry tears poured over his cheeks.