Page 16 of Never Quiet
“Better now. Thanks for helping me settle down.”
“You’re welcome.” She kissed his forehead. “I’ll see you at the house. I’ll save you some of those little roll-ups you like.”
Chaz asked, “How do you know I made them?”
“Because we’re all obsessed with that pesto special sauce stuff you put inside. You know how to read a room, sir.”
“There’s truth in that.”
Mandy grinned and left a raspberry on Sterling’s bare shoulder. “See you at the house, sweetheart.”
“I’m gonna marry you one day.”
“You know,” she put her hand on her hip, “you have to ask. You can’t just tell a girl how it’s going to be.”
“Okay. I’ll ask and you’ll say yes.”
“Quit charming me.” Turning, Chaz and Shawn gathered her between them. “Be extra good so they can get you out of here, Sterling.”
Sitting in the backseat of Shawn’s car a few minutes later, Mandy exhaled roughly and stared at her lap. “You don’t have to worry, guys.”
Chaz met her eyes over the seat. “Mandy…”
“I know with most girls my age, you’d worry and you’d be right to.” She shook her head. “You don’t have to with me. I know my mind and I know my age. It would ruin everything.”
He frowned. “Honey, you’ve given this a lot of thought.”
Looking out the window, she murmured, “You have no idea.” Embarrassingly on the verge of tears, she took out her phone and texted her mom.
It’s hard to be older than your actual years.
She responded in seconds.
I know it, Mandy. Some parts of these trips are hard on you but you get stronger each time you make them. Don’t lose sight that the years are passing. Be patient and keep becoming the woman you’re meant to be. Timing is important.
It was exactly the right thing to say.
The following day, Davis arrived and she was so relieved to have her best friend, and Erick’s, as a buffer between them.
* * *
As for Sterling, she sat him down on the back steps leading to the beach and explained how everyone felt when he got hurt.
“The thing is, you’re really smart and athletic. Those are good things but when something goes wrong because you’re moving too fast or not asking for someone to spot you, it makes your mom and dad terrified, Sterling.” She looked into the pretty eyes all the Hardings shared. “No one wants to see you bleeding or broken. You have to start thinking things through. Just a little.”
He put his elbow on his knee and rested his chin in his hand. “I guess I can’t marry you if I act so crazy.”
She laughed. “Well, if you want to be around to ask me to marry you when you’re old enough, you need to use your brain before you throw your body all over. How’s that?”
“You like smart people, huh?”
“Very much.”
He nodded and sighed heavily. “Alright.”