Page 2 of Never Quiet
It wasn’t for everyone.
Each time someone randomly turned down the drive, Hunter Delkin’s former bodyguard would confirm it was a member of her family.
It always made her laugh but she understood why they checked up.
In jeans, a t-shirt, and running shoes, Terrance checked the house every hour. The hem of the shirt partially concealed the gun he always carried at his side.
After her months spent with Gunner Cain and his family in the Keys, she was accustomed to weapons and protocols.
At her fourteenth birthday in June, Rick and Noel brought an older woman with them to her party. She had red hair and wore brightly colored leggings, a baggy t-shirt, and flip flops.
Noel spoke and signed to the entire family gathered on the front porch. “This is Jan Cornell. She was a teacher at my school for twenty years. She’s agreed to tutor Heather since Mandy needs to get back to her daily life when school starts.”
She paused and stroked her fingers over Heather’s cheek where she slept in Nate’s arms. “Jan will prepare this little sweetheart for any school you send her to. A public school here in Cedarton or my old school in Boulder. She’s going to live in Bill’s bungalow and come every day to work with Heather.”
Clearing her throat, she added, “When Heather starts school, if you want to keep her in Cedarton, Jan will attend classes with her to interpret so she doesn’t miss anything.”
Zoe’s eyes were huge. “Y-you found us a teacher? You found a teacher for the deaf to help Heather?” Then she hugged the taller, leaner woman and cried all over her. Noel winked at Mandy. Tilting her head back, the much shorter brunette said, “You’re amazing, Noel. Seriously, the best.”
“Thanks, Zoe. Jan is incredible. Her success rate with her students was in the top one percent in the country. She’ll start acclimating Heather to her presence over the next couple of months so it’s not such a shock when Mandy goes back to school.”
One more squeeze and Zoe released Noel. She went to Jan and said, “I’m Zoe Lang. It’s so, so wonderful that you’re here. I have a hundred questions.” She adjusted her glasses. “Let me get you something to drink and we can talk for a little.”
“I’d like that. I’m excited to get back to work. Retirement was not for me. I was bored at the end of the first month.”
“A workaholic! I get it.” Zoe scooped her daughter out of Nate’s arms, held up her face for a kiss from him, received it, and left a smacking kiss on Mandy’s cheek as she passed. “First, tell me what you think of Cedarton. It’s pretty isn’t it?”
Mandy grinned as Zoe’s voice trailed away inside. She looked at Noel. “Thanks, No-No. I was worried.”
Leaning against the porch rail with her arms crossed, her aunt nodded. “I adore you. I adore Heather. You can’t become her teacher, Mandy. You’re fourteen and you have plans. I wanted someone I knew would pass Zoe’s interview and let you leave your little sister without being afraid she wouldn’t be able to communicate around the hearing.”
“Sh-she’s so little. I don’t want her to feel alone. You had Grandma and Dad. Zoe was older but, even then, it was hard.”
Her dad pulled her into a hard hug. “Let us do the worrying, honey. I’d really like you to enjoy being a kid a while longer.”
Laughing, she replied, “I’ll do my best.”