Page 22 of Never Quiet
Chapter Five
July 2014 (Age 16)
The five-year-old Sterling who charged Mandy as she got out of the rented SUV was a lot bigger than the four-year-old edition. He barreled into her legs, screaming her name at the top of his voice, and the impact threw her against the door.
Knocked the breath right out of her.
Dakota yelled, “Sterling!”
“I’m good,” Mandy gasped. “One second.” Straightening, she stretched her diaphragm and took a couple of deep breaths. “Okay.” Crouching in front of the little boy with wide eyes, she said with a smile. “You got bigger and a whole lot stronger. Hi, Sterling.”
“Sorry, Mandy.”
“Next time, I’ll brace myself. You somehow got cuter and I didn’t think that was possible.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Any injuries recently?”
“Nope. Not one stitch or cast!”
Surprised, she glanced up at his parents. “Really?” They nodded. “You’re being more careful. That makes me so happy. Still learning and doing fun new things?”
“I can’t wait to show you. Mom put me in gymnastics and Dad trains with me three days a week in all kinds of stuff.”
She whispered, “So you’re already pretty much a badass, huh?” He grinned and she realized he was missing a tooth. “I missed another tooth.” Reaching into her jean shorts, she pulled out a twenty. “My Aunt Noel taught me to always keep cash and I’m so glad I do. This is for the teeth I missed.”
“You mean it?”
“Yup. Talk to your parents about what you want to buy.”
“I won’t use Mommy’s credit card again…”
“To order gymnastics stuff I can climb on. Not without permission. I learned my lesson. Mommy was so red, I thought she was going to pass out.”
She frowned. “How did you learn to use a credit card?” Mandy found herself fascinated.
“I watched Mommy when she ordered the mats.” He shrugged. “Easy.”
Taking his shoulders, she said, “With your brain and fearlessness, I’m going to need you to promise not to become an evil supervillain.”
Tilting his head, he stared at her for a long moment. “Like Magneto?” Mandy nodded. “Fine. I like Wolverine better anyway. Dad says he gives no fu…”
“I get it,” she cut him off laughing.
Noel quickly greeted everyone and ran past them to the house. She called, “That forty-ounce Icee was a big mistake!”
The others gathered Amanda among them and asked her a dozen questions. The house smelled fantastic.
In the kitchen, Chaz was turning with a tray in his hands. “Hey there, pretty girl! Sorry, I was literally two minutes from needing to take these out.”
“Thanks.” She grabbed a puff pastry off the cookie sheet and tossed it back and forth between her hands.
He laughed as she popped it in her mouth and turned her face to get a kiss. “It’s killing you, isn’t it?”
“Worth the pain. Is there…lobster in these?” He nodded. “Tell me there’s another tray.” Grabbing a paper towel, she quickly put three more puffs on it. “No class when lobster is involved. You’re a magician in the kitchen.”
“Eat as many as you want. I got back late from the training facility and drove Shawn insane trying to get it all going.”
Frowning at his torso, she reached out and lifted the edge of his t-shirt. There was a bandage around his mid-section.