Page 25 of Never Quiet
I heard about today. Feel free to beat the shit out of our recruits anytime you like. I could not be prouder of who you are.
Receiving such a message from such a man while sitting with the guys, a big bowl of ice cream in her hand, watching America’s Got Talent, made the world suck a lot less.
* * *
The next day, Mandy raced a crazy fast Sterling in the pool. No one could believe it when she offered to watch the little boy for the day instead of sending him to his summer camp.
“I’ll keep him swimming until he drops,” she told his parents.
Gunner held her shoulders with a sad expression. “You sweet girl.” He shook her slightly. “You poor, sweet, naïve girl.”
Laughing, she went to tell the little boy the news and he promptly screamed the house down.
They made breakfast, swam, made snacks, swam, made lunch, and were currently swimming again.
A body cannonballed into the water beside them. Startled, she came up and grinned at Davis.
“You idiot. I could have drowned.”
“Hardly. I missed you!” He hugged her tight. “You racing Sterling?” She nodded. “Taking everything you got, huh?”
“He is fast. I’m fricking exhausted.” Sterling popped up between them. “How are you not tired, sweetheart?”
“Love the water. I’ll race Davis. Winner gets to marry Mandy.”
“Uh, I’m not…”
Davis made a face. “Yuck. She’s my best friend. No.”
“Fine, loser makes sundaes.”
“Done.” He leaned close to the little boy and said, “I like extra cherries and whipped cream.”
“Yeah? Well, I like those candied pecans Chaz makes. Don’t forget them!” Then he turned and swam fast for the other end of the pool.
“The kid cheats!” Davis shouted as he dove after Sterling.
Mandy pulled herself up on the side to watch them race.
Erick lowered to the edge beside her and said, “Hi.”
His beautiful eyes.
He was so close.
She steadied herself.
“Erick. I thought you were staying on campus?”
“I needed a break. I hit a snag. Figured some time on the water might help.” He met her eyes. “You were missed around here. You look gorgeous.”
“Uh, thank you. You look great but…did you lose weight?”
He nodded and looked at his nephew wearing Davis out with a smile. “Months on end without Chaz’s cooking.”
“What’s the snag?” He turned to her with a frown. “With your project? What’s the snag?”
“It’s this fucking system feedback…” He talked for several minutes and she prompted him with questions. Suddenly, he looked off in the distance with an expression of wonder. “You jogged it loose.”