Page 39 of Never Quiet
Heather was in their dad’s arms. Walking up to them, Amanda grinned at her little sister. “You’re three and perfectly able to walk. On your feet, soldier.” The little girl held out her hands and Amanda took her. “You’re irresistible. You know that?”
Giving her several kisses, she put her down. The little girl promptly leaned against her big sister’s leg, hugging it with both arms.
“Shawn and Chaz have a pool,” she told Heather using sign and speech. Instant alertness smacked into the little girl and everyone laughed.
There were introductions all around while Amanda and Davis stood together, holding hands.
“Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow and we can all drive down together. Julia had a doctor’s appointment today but I wanted to be here when Amanda charged the place.” Shaking his head sagely, he added, “She’s kind of out of control otherwise. You know how it is.”
Amanda gut-punched Davis, ignored his oomph, and bounced on the balls of her feet.
“Um, you’re stronger.”
“I am.”
Chaz grinned. “Amanda, you are just stunning.” Winking, he suggested, “You’re as gorgeous as your aunt.”
“Have the fuck at it and good luck,” Noel responded. “It’s rarely done me much good but you’re a helluva lot smarter than me so I expect you to run the world.”
“Ugh. So much delegating and coordination. No, thank you.” Looking up at Davis, Amanda said, “I’m so glad you could get away. I was worried when you were on radio silence.”
“It’s all been terrifying and incredible and enlightening. I’ll tell you everything because you’re my twin.” They made funny faces at each other. “Let’s throw your stuff in the room so you can hurry up and get in the pool.”
Shawn announced, “Quarters will be snug tonight but we’ll make it work.”
“Davis and I can sleep in the living room with Heather. The couples can take the guest rooms. Easy.”
“You need to use it to change though!” Davis grabbed her long braid and pulled her down the hall while she held her sister’s hand. He shoved her over the threshold with a final, “Hurry up!”
Happy and excited, she helped Heather change and quickly got in her one-piece sport suit. Taking her sister’s hand, she walked through the house and found everyone on the back patio.
Her heart expanded when she saw Chaz and Shawn attempting to learn a few signs from Zoe. Heather let go of her hand and drifted over to stand beside Shawn, staring up at him with her head tilted. As she got older, she was more confident about using her voice with strangers.
Heather made the sign for hello and Shawn returned it. She asked him his name and he glanced to Zoe for help, imitating the letters with intense focus.
Her sister giggled and pointed to herself. “I’m Heather.”
The big man smiled. “It’s so nice to meet you, Heather.”
Nodding, she took a piece of pineapple their dad held out for her and ate it as she leaned against Shawn’s side. Nothing said a human was worthy like Heather’s leaning.
Going around the table, Amanda kissed her family. Signing, she asked Heather, “Do you want to swim?”
“Not yet.” The little girl kept her eyes on Shawn’s mouth as he talked for a long moment before moving to stand between the couple so she could stare at Chaz. “I’m Heather.”
Chaz signed his name and she raised her hands. When he lifted her into his lap, she offered him a bite of the pineapple that was dripping down her hand. Then she took one and offered a bite to Shawn.
“Mandy.” She lifted her sticky face for a kiss and Amanda delivered it as Heather’s little toes danced on Shawn’s thigh.
Noel and Rick joined the other adults on the patio. She grinned at her youngest niece. “Heather is super picky about people. You both have her stamp of approval.”
Giving Shawn and Chaz kisses on the cheek, Amanda murmured, “I missed you guys.” To her family, she said, “Chaz teaches me new recipes every summer.”
Patting his belly, her dad quipped, “So I have you to blame.”
“He also helped me get that flip-kick move down solid.”
“You almost took my head off with that,” Nate reminded her.