Page 54 of Never Quiet
Leaning it against the rail, she took her phone from her back pocket and sent a text to Noel who was helping Rick pack up his stuff so he could rent his house.
I think there’s trouble. Unknown vehicle at the top of the drive. It could be nothing but Terrance looks tense.
Seconds later, she replied.
Get inside. I’m coming.
Three minutes later, the recognizable sound of Noel’s motorcycle and Rick’s Harley carried on the still summer air.
The SUV backed up, spitting gravel as it turned and built up speed heading toward Boulder. The motorcycles sped past their driveway going terrifyingly fast a few seconds later.
“Maybe it’s…”
There was the unmistakable sound of gunfire in the distance. It sounded like harmless firecrackers. Amanda knew it wasn’t harmless. Immediately after was the sound of a crash.
Time seemed to stand still.
Terrance received a text and he told Amanda, “Take the rifle with you. Pack a bag.”
“Do it quickly, Amanda. Tell Jan to grab the go bags for her and Heather. Basics only.”
“What’s happening?”
“Noel says it’s likely people after her but it looks like all of us are heading to Florida.”
“In June?” She frowned. “She texted you?”
She blinked several times. “Noel…stopped the vehicle?”
“Yes.” He inhaled carefully. “Please pack and tell Jan to get herself and Heather ready to go. Quickly, sweetheart.”
Walking inside, she leaned the rifle behind her bedroom door and went to Heather’s new room across from her own. The woman and little girl were putting together a puzzle at a little table in the corner.
“Jan?” She looked up and the smile dropped off her face. “Terrance said to grab the bags for yourself and Heather. I-I don’t know much.”
“You’re pale as paper, Amanda. Are you alright?”
“Yes. Uh, I think we should hurry.”
Amanda took a thirty-second shower to wash away the sweat from her run and returned to her room.
After she dressed in athletic wear, her hair wrapped snugly to her neck, she pulled her large travel bag out of her closet. It was mostly packed for her trip to Florida in a few weeks and she threw what she needed in it quickly.
In the top of her closet was a cash box that held every dollar of birthday, Christmas, and report card money she’d ever received. Opening it, she tucked the cash in an envelope from her desk. Slipping her laptop, chargers, cash, and copies of her favorite photos in her backpack, she considered what else might be necessary and remembered how Noel had prepared her for the first trip to Florida.
She chose two complete outfits, rolled them tightly, and slid them in the bottom of her backpack. Then she zipped up both bags and took them downstairs.
She had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.
This was exactly what she hadn’t wanted. People coming to her house, putting her little sister in danger, a child who wasn’t old enough to understand or protect herself.
Taking out her phone, she pulled up her texts with Hayden. Only Davis and Callie had more messages.