Page 92 of Never Quiet
Hayden approached and smoothed his hand over her hair.
She looked at him with a tired smile. “I’m literally soaked with sweat and disgusting.”
“I don’t care.” He bent and kissed her temple. “Delkin Acquisitions recently purchased an organic beauty care company and you’re going to be the spokesperson. Your modeling launch is going to start there. You’ll make a speech about the environment so everyone knows from the start that your brain is not to be trifled with.”
His expression was gentle. “Davis mentioned your concerns and I understand.” He shrugged. “Despite my brain, many will always think of me as a junkie.”
“Not me. Never me. Thanks, Hayden.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Let’s get you changed so we can have lunch. I haven’t been to a normal lunch in ages.”
Staring into lovely silver-gray eyes, she asked, “Is it dangerous for you, Hayden? I can make us something at the house…”
“No. Lunch with a lovely young woman at a café on the water sounds like something I may desperately need in my life.”
“Then I’m glad to be the young woman.”
An hour later, Hayden escorted Amanda from her house and she pretended not to notice two extra vehicles of security. He handed her into the SUV and slid in beside her.
He smiled when the door closed behind them. “I realize I’m well beyond an acceptable age gap and I’d never cross the line of appropriate behavior with you, Amanda. However, no one who sees us will know that and I find myself rather smug.”
Laughing, she admitted. “I’ll play my role happily.”
Suddenly serious, he told her, “I need you to do that. Do you understand?” She tilted her head. “You’ll always know me as Hayden Delkin. There are few people in my life who use that name. I don’t walk in that world often. With you, I’m going to make an exception. Those who are familiar with my other persona will know to tread carefully. The man who endangers you, he knows who I am. It will send a message.”
She reached out and took his hand. “It’s a risk, Hayden. What you’re suggesting, like my virginity, it could have the reverse effect. It could very well draw more fire to both of us.”
“It absolutely will.” Her eyes widened. “I foresee having to murder people in front of you and I apologize for that, Amanda. However, I believe it will make my point.”
“These people are the ones who take men, women, and children all over the world to be sold and brutalized?” He nodded once. “Then it isn’t murder. It’s justified execution. I hate all of this but I hate that it’s necessary even more. I’ll help in any way you need. In fact, I insist on it.”
“You’re a force to be reckoned with, Miss Lang.”
“As my new boyfriend, you simply must call me Amanda.”
“My father, after meeting you once, called you extraordinary and said we’d have much in common. I understood what he meant when I met you myself. From the start, the way you speak and think has never failed to impress me.” He squeezed her hand. “However, it’s unusual, possibly even wrong, for me to enlist you like this.”
“It’s not wrong. Despite when we met, I’m an adult now and your plan makes sense. We’ll have an adventure.” She winked. “Delkins age so pretty. Attraction won’t be hard to sell.”
He laughed and the transformation to his face was stunning. “Try not to fall in love, darling. I’m a horrible risk.”
Sighing dramatically, she said, “Damn it. I had a plan all worked out to court you aggressively.” Shaking her head, she added, “I’m sorry about the mess. You have better things to do than come all the way here to deal with my shit.”
“You didn’t ask for this. Your beauty doesn’t give anyone the right to try to own you. Protecting victims is what I do, Amanda. You’re also a friend and that means you’re always on my radar.”
Inhaling deeply, she nodded. “I appreciate that.”
They arrived at a gorgeous bistro with outdoor seating and Hayden handed her from the car. The instant she was on the sidewalk, she slipped her arm around his waist and smiled at him. He was a couple of inches taller than her in her heels.
His arm around her back, he held her snugly to his side.
When they were seated at the rail that ran along the sand, Amanda crossed her legs. The shortness of her dress exposed a lot of thigh. His eyes flicked down and up again.
“Tell me what you’re reading, Amanda.”
“It’s my guilty pleasure.” She described the series she read each night until her body finally collapsed in exhaustion around three in the morning.
He looked it up on his phone and glanced at her with an arched brow. “Amanda…gay erotica?”