Page 94 of Never Quiet
One landed on their table and sent glass flying everywhere. With barely a pause, Hayden smashed the top of a water goblet that survived and stabbed the stem into the attacker’s throat. He dropped him to the deck, less than a foot from Amanda, and she watched him bleed out, staring up at the Florida sky.
The second man attempted to engage in hand-to-hand combat but had clearly underestimated his opponent. A strike to the throat, grabbing him in a backwards choke hold, Hayden snapped the man’s neck smoothly.
It happened so quickly that when a second body fell beside his partner, it took Amanda a moment to realize there were several men and women fighting around the outdoor deck.
Dakota and Chaz quickly dispatched three heavily armed men. Ash broke the neck of a man after jumping on his back. He used the man’s falling body to launch himself at his next target. Roark dragged a knife across the throat of one man and smoothly turned to drive the blade into another’s chest.
Someone grabbed Amanda under the arms and dragged her from beneath the table. She thought at first it was someone she knew but, as she turned to look, the person reared back to hit her in the face.
Without thinking, she leveled a powerful strike to his throat. It crushed his windpipe and sent him to his knees. His hands gripped his neck in a panic, gasping for air.
She knelt in front of him and stared into his eyes for a long moment. He fell over from lack of oxygen and she removed a small transmitter from his vest.
Standing, she stared out at the water. She was filled with rage was more than that. She was done being a victim that needed protecting. Done running, hiding, and being afraid.
Turning on the transmitter, she said clearly, “My name is Amanda Lang. However, you may call me the Body since that’s all you bitches want from me. You’re looking for an introduction. Now you’ve had one. I wouldn’t count on seeing any of your friends again. From the looks of it, they’re all dead. I’m not going to be your property or your toy. I will calmly, logically, and without one ounce of guilt, murder anyone who tries to hurt me or the people I love.”
She smiled. “If I can’t manage to kill you myself, there are men and women around me who will do it with far more skill, efficiency, and imagination. Keep right the fuck on coming. It will cost you men, expensive toys, and profit. I will take and take from you until you realize my pussy isn’t worth it. Eat shit and die, you motherfucking animals.”
Dropping the electronic, she crushed it under her shoe, knowing it would send terrible feedback to the receiver.
Turning, no one moved as they stared at her. There were bodies littering the deck but none were Hayden’s people, she was relieved to see.
Walking to him, Amanda gently tugged him closer and kissed the corner of his mouth. “You told me to embrace the role.”
A slow smile spread over his face and there were indistinct murmurs around them. “The Body, huh?”
“I mean, really.”
“I like it. No one will ever see the brain coming and I think that’s the point.” He stroked a strand of her hair behind her ear and she noted there was blood on the side of his hand. “I’m sorry our lunch was interrupted.”
“It was still lovely.”
Staring into her eyes, he asked, “How about dessert?”
“Hayden, no matter where, no matter when, the answer to dessert is always yes.”
Wrapping his arm around her, he announced, “Let’s clean this garbage up.” Glancing down at her, he added, “Well done.”
“Thanks. Mention it to my aunt.”
“Oh, she knows. She’s monitoring the op from the lifeguard station a hundred yards away with a high-powered sniper rifle. I texted her while you were getting ready. We had intel they were coming and decided to use it. I wanted to push them into a controlled situation where we could keep the risk to you as low as possible.”
“It was a test…?”
“One you passed far beyond our expectations.”
Winking, she whispered, “I’m a nerd. I ace tests.”
Stepping over bodies, he led her inside, handed her into a seat at the bar, and kissed her temple. He washed his hands and went to get two plates of key lime pie from the kitchen. They talked while they enjoyed their dessert and it was extraordinary.
Despite the bloodshed.