Page 29 of Feel My Love
Slowly lifting one finger at a time, he released Augusta. “You are despicable. Less than human. How the fuck Amelia turned out so perfect with you as a mother, I will never know.”
Leo walked to the other side of the room and sat with his head in his hands.
“Augusta.” Sarabeth’s voice was kind. Amelia’s mother glanced up and Leo’s mom slapped her as hard as she could across the face. “You are a disgrace as a mother. You’ve sold one small piece of her at a time. You deserve to lose everything…absolutely everything that matters to you.” In shock, Augusta stared at her with her fingers over her red cheek. Sarabeth reared back and slapped the other side. “You sicken me. They were old enough and had the resources to care for a child. You had no right.”
She sat beside Leo and held his hand hard. A moment later, Gil and Alejandro joined them. They all glared at Augusta on the other side of the room. She lowered slowly into a chair without a word.
The woman who had caused so much pain out of her twisted need to live through her daughter.
When the doctor came out of surgery, Gil and Leo were the first ones on their feet. “She’s going to be alright. She’ll have to stay here for a few days to recover.” Clearing his throat, he added quietly, “We couldn’t save her uterus. It had to be removed to stop the hemorrhaging. We did everything we could to avoid it. I’m so sorry.”
Leo stumbled back several steps and went to his knees, sobbing brokenly. “She took our child and all our future children. Stole them away as if it didn’t matter. A child created from pure love on the happiest day of my life. A symbol of everything good between us.”
Augusta stood against the wall, shaking her head in horrified denial. “It was supposed to be safe,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” She started to cry but no one went to her.
Leo grieved the losses in painful tears and then pulled himself together. He had to be strong for Amelia.
No matter what, he had to be strong.