Page 61 of Feel My Love
“Something happened…”
“No. Not exactly. Amelia is fine. Can we talk in the car, Leo? It’s important or I would never disturb you at work.” He gestured and she slid in the backseat. He followed and Baylor closed them inside. With a smile, she told him, “I specifically waited until I knew the trial would be over. I know how much has to be done during. You won, I heard.”
Eyes wide, he stared at her. “How…? Yeah, I won. The jury just came back an hour ago. It was a closed court.” He tilted his head. “You know someone inside?”
“I don’t influence anything if that’s what you’re worried about. I told you, uh, that I contribute to some charities. Things that are important to me?” He nodded. “One of them is the organization that contacted you about Marta’s case.” She cleared her throat. “I don’t talk to anyone in my family but do you know why?”
“Amelia never really explained.”
“She doesn’t know the story. My father killed my mother by strangling her with his belt when I was seven. He was friends with the cop who arrested him, the prosecutor who landed his case, and the judge who decided he’d suffered enough spending a few nights in jail. My entire family pretended it never happened. As time passed, she was portrayed as a nagging bitch who got what she deserved.” She inhaled slowly. “Nothing could have been further from the truth.”
“I’m sorry, Augusta.”
“It was a long time ago. Anyway, the people who found Marta’s case try to make sure that kind of justice - and reverse justice - doesn’t happen as much as they can. As you know, there are so many victims.”
“Yes. It’s like pushing a boulder up a mountain.”
“And keep pushing.” He smiled. “Leo, I know you have absolutely no reason to trust me but...I’m wondering if you would give me a chance to prove I’m worthy.”
Swallowing hard, he felt almost sick with nerves. “What happened? You said Amelia’s fine but that doesn’t mean something hasn’t gone sideways.”
“You talk to her on the phone?”
“Every day.”
“Understand that my talking to you will likely make Amy hate me again. I’ve weighed that risk and determined that the woman I am now can’t keep you in the dark.”
“Is she...did she get back with Ricky?”
“Lord, no. Amy has loved you since she was fourteen. The men and women she dated were merely her efforts to miss you less.” She shook her head. “No, it’s nothing like that. I imagine you have time off now that this trial is over?”
“I-I do,” he answered shakily.
“I’d like you to come with me to Washington. You need to see Amy face to face. She made me promise not to talk to you and I’ve kept that promise for three months.”
Leo frowned. “She made you promise?”
“It’s why I foresee being cast out of her life once she knows I broke that promise.”
For almost a minute, he considered the information Augusta was telling him...and what she wasn’t saying.
“Amy is in danger.” She started to reply and he held up his hand. “Not from a person. Is it a relapse into addiction…?” Augusta shook her head. “Something else. It’s a risk she’s willing to take but you’re worried about the outcome.”
“Leo, I’m going to ask that you come with me on faith. I can’t tell you too much. Mostly because you’d think I was lying but also because I’m trying so hard to keep my promise to my daughter.” She twined her fingers together tightly in her lap. “If something were to happen to her and you didn’t even know there was a problem...I’d feel responsible.”
“Think you were lying? Why would I think you were lying?”
“Because truth is often stranger than fiction and I don’t have the best track record with honesty.”
He started to panic.
“Will you pack a bag and come with me?” After a slight hesitation, he nodded. “Bring Baylor so no one thinks I plan to kidnap you or something.”
Despite his intense stress, he laughed.
This time, it was Augusta who appeared surprised. “I mean, you’ve had a price on your head for more than a decade. You do know that, don’t you, Leo?”