Page 65 of Feel My Love
Augusta cut her off. “Amy, you cannot lie to him. It isn’t fair to keep him in the dark now. You’re more than six months along and you’re going to need his help for your last trimester. Tell the truth and let Leo be the man he’s always been. You know him. You know you can trust him.”
Staring at the floor, Amelia nodded. She seemed to collect herself and then lifted her face.
“I-I could deliver normally but the risk of hemorrhaging would be higher. The doctor isn’t sure how strong the uterine walls will be during labor.”
“I didn’t know, Leo. I wasn’t having periods or anything. I haven’t since...I healed from the surgery. There’s never been any indication that I could get pregnant…”
He went to her and held her shoulders. “I know, honey. I know.” Bending, he kissed her forehead before pulling her into a careful hug. “I’m...overwhelmed and a little confused but what happens now? There must be conditions, things you have to do to make sure it goes safely.”
“Ricky came down with a bad case of shingles so I’m filling in on the studio sessions. Then I’ll go on bed rest.”
Leo scooped her into his arms. “No, Amelia. Bed rest starts now. Make whatever apologies or refunds you have to but being on your feet is done.” Inhaling carefully, he whispered, “It’s time to come home.”
She stared at him for a long moment. “Alright, Leo.” She removed her cell phone and her assistant picked up on the third ring. “Hey, Marjory. There’s been a change of plans…”
Fifteen minutes later, an older woman walked through the door and her mouth dropped open in shock. “Uh, hello.” A slow smile spread over her face. “You must be Leo.”
From the waiting area chair where he held Amelia in his lap, he answered, “I am. I’ve come to steal her.”
“About time.” Marjory put her hand on her hip. “I’ll wrap things up. Let’s go over the bookings.”
The women discussed the client book for a few minutes and Marjory took notes.
Finally, the assistant closed the heavy date book and said gently, “It’s time for you to go now. Don’t you come back, Amy. There’s nothing here for you that you don’t have more of where you’re going. I’ll talk her down from the ledge.”
“She’s going to hate me…”
“Sweetheart, if you leave it up to her, Ricky will keep making excuses to keep you here while your heart is clearly living with this man...and always has been. Go when she’s not looking and let her scream, let her cry, let her get the fuck over it.”
Tearfully, Amelia nodded. “Thanks, Marjory.”
“It’s going to be okay and you treated her better than anyone. You gave her everything but she won’t let go as long as she still sees you, still works with you every day.” She shook her head. “The way to help her is to leave.”
“You’re right.” Leo stood with Amelia in his arms, Baylor bracing their weight. “I’ll miss you, Marjory.”
“I’ll miss you, too. Keep in touch if you want. I’ll understand if you don’t. You hear me?” Amelia nodded. “Do let me know everything went right with the baby.”
“I will.” The woman leaned forward and kissed Amelia’s cheek. She whispered something at her ear and Amelia laughed. “I told you he was gorgeous.”
“Brat. Travel safe.”
Amelia looked into Leo’s face. “I’m ready now.”
“Thank god. I’m ready to have an aneurysm.”
Then Leo carried Amelia out of the life she’d built in Washington and back to the life she left in Illinois.
With a miracle growing inside her.