Page 69 of Feel My Love
Shaking his head as if to clear it, he released a nervous chuckle. “I’ll wait as long as necessary, Amelia. The stress your body went through…we knew the recovery was going to be longer than normal.”
Two days before Amelia’s scheduled C-section, her placenta began to detach. Her medical team rushed her into surgery immediately. In preparation, Leo and Augusta had donated blood in case things went wrong. His own mother donated as well.
Amelia required almost three pints.
It was doubtful it would be safe for her to try for another child from her own body. When she woke up from the anesthesia, Leo placed their son in her arms.
The stress of the night, the emotion of being a new father, made him gasp through tears, “I love you. I love our son. No more, Amelia. I can’t lose you. I can’t go through another night like this. Two in one lifetime are enough.”
Crying, she nodded. “Alright.”
Their parents returned hours later to dote over their new grandchild. All of them had stayed at the hospital until Amelia was pronounced stable.
Augusta reminded her softly, “This sweet baby was a miracle. If you want another, my offer stands. Let your body rest, darling. It’s been through enough.”
Tugging her lower lip between her teeth, Amelia asked, “It was bad? I thought...Leo hasn’t told me any details.”
Wiping her face of tears, Augusta scooted the chair close to the bed. “It was bad. Alex was weren’t, Amelia. One miracle was incredible but you must never expect another.”
A few days later, Leo took his family home.
Every day since had felt like a miracle of its own.
Until her doctor announced her fully healed, Leo refrained from talking about the organization he’d become involved more actively in through Augusta. There would be plenty of time to explain his role - one he’d been playing for a while without realizing it - and he didn’t want her to worry.
Picking up Alex, he stood and walked across the room to her. “Plan our wedding, Amelia. I need you to be my wife.”
Going up on her toes, she kissed his lips. “I already ordered my dress. Our mothers have been planning together quietly for weeks. I decided that, with a new baby, they could plan what amounts to an extravagant party without my help.”
“No one told me anything!” he said with a smile.
“Like you care. The only things that matter to you are seeing me walk down the aisle and dancing with me.”
“Fair enough,” he admitted. “Dare I ask what our color scheme is?”
She winked. “Gold and white, of course. My mother is involved. Your mom is keeping her somewhat level.”
He wrapped his arm around her with Alex between them. “I can’t wait. I love you.”
“I love you, Leo. I’m going to shower. I have my last follow-up with the doctor today and a couple of errands to run with Baylor. You’ll be okay with the monkey?”
“Just us guys? Absolutely.”
Grinning, she told him, “You’re a great dad, Leo.”
“He makes it easy…”
“Except for the scream…”
Leo shivered. “Gives me chills every time.”
One more kiss and she went to shower. He was straightening up Alex’s nursery when she entered in jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and running shoes.
Walking to the crib, she sighed. “I never get tired of looking at him.”
“Neither do I.”
Leo wrapped his arms around Amelia from behind and guided her from the room. He pressed her against the wall in the hallway and sealed his chest to her back.