Page 22 of Coming Home
“It was. Your life was lonelier.”
“No, Bennett. Emotional isolation is separate from belongings, status, or how many people are around you. It hurts.”
He returned to staring at the tray ceiling far above them. “The more I felt it, the more I worked to numb it. Eventually, I convinced myself that I didn’t care, that I didn’t need those connections in my life.”
“And now?”
“I’m facing the end of my life. I tried to mend fences with the ex-wives and their children. I wanted to see them settled before my death.” His laugh was bitter. “They wanted it all and when I explained there were obligations to be met, that I was placing the bulk of my holdings in trust, they filed the first lawsuit.”
“I’m sorry, Bennett.”
“I’m closer to James than the offspring who carry my name. Mary-Margaret has always been like a protective older sister to me. I was content with their company as I waited for my heart to quit.” Meeting her eyes again, he added softly, “And then suddenly, there you were, Rowan.”
Lifting her hand, he kissed the back. “I wasn’t searching. I didn’t have an agenda. The day I met you, everything seemed clear for the first time in a decade. The way you think, the way you process the world, it captivated me. I wanted the chance to know you, for you to know me. I never wanted anyone to know me.”
“I’m sure you’ve met many incredible people in your lifetime, Bennett.”
“Not like you. You’re tethered to nothing. Other than your kind Miss Jeffries, you’re a clean slate, Rowan. You can’t imagine how rare that is. I see so much in you - in the things you’re going to do and learn in your future. I want to be part of it, to give you the knowledge and resources you’ll need to change the world, to make it better.”
“I want to make you proud.”
“You already do.”
“You’re teaching me so much.” She reached out to smooth the collar of his shirt. “I see possibilities I never did before.”
“Stay with me, Rowan.”
Staring into eyes she never tired of looking into, she nodded. “I’ll stay, Bennett.”
* * *
Four weeks after walking into a world - and a role - she still didn’t fully understand, Rowan was cleared to run again. Dressing in shorts and a tank top, she grabbed her MP3 and headed downstairs.
On the bottom step, she re-tied her sneaker. When she straightened, Bennett stood in the hall beside his office.
“Where are you going?”
“Will you stay on the estate?”
Tilting her head, she walked to him and stared up into Bennett’s face. He wore a pensive expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“I…” His voice trailed away and he looked past her as if to gather his thoughts. Inhaling deeply, he refocused on her. “Please be careful.” One side of his mouth lifted in a smile. “The last time you went running, you were hit by a car.”
She laughed. “I won’t be long. It will take time to work back to where I was. I checked out the trail around the estate on the golf cart so I’ll stay close.” Leaning up, she kissed his jaw. “I’ll be careful.”
As she walked to the front door, she swore she could feel his eyes on her. It gave her goosebumps.
It took two weeks for her body to settle back into running. She was two miles from the house late one morning when she rounded a corner and saw James and Bennett sitting in a golf cart beside the trail.
Bennett called, “I wanted to experience what you love. Keep going, Rowan. I won’t interrupt.”
Regulating her breathing, she yelled, “What’s your top speed on that thing, James?”
“On the trail, not much.”