Page 30 of Coming Home
Returning with Mary-Margaret from the corporate office with paperwork for her husband to sign, Rowan frowned at dozens of cars parked along the estate drive. Outside the iron gates were rows of limousines.
“What’s going on?” she asked curiously.
“I’m sure I wouldn’t know,” the assistant said without looking her in the eye.
“Youliterallyknow everything. Spill it.”
Laughing warmly, Mary-Margaret said, “You’ll have to wait and see.” Reaching out, she smoothed a tendril of hair behind Rowan’s ear that had come loose from her chignon. “You wore the dress Bennett requested and you look lovely.”
Glancing down at the form-fitting sundress and heeled sandals her husband had picked out for her that morning, she mumbled, “Not really appropriate for headquarters but…” Narrowing her eyes, she asked, “Was that trip into the city a way to get me out of the house?”
“So many questions. Here we are!” Rowan’s driver opened the door. “Look sharp, Buddy. Don’t let her get any details out of you. Suspicious little minx.”
When they were both standing on the driveway, Mary-Margaret put her arm through Rowan’s and led her through the house to the massive formal dining room.
As they appeared at the wall of windows that had been thrown open to the courtyard beyond, at least a hundred people yelled, “Surprise!”
Rowan looked behind her. “Is this...for me?”
Appearing at her side, Bennett whispered, “Happy birthday, darling.” He pressed his cheek to hers. “You look stunning.”
“I never leave the did youmanagethis?”
“It wasn’t easy to get such a gala planned and executed under your nose but I was determined to mark your quarter-century with flair.” Arching one brow, he added, “You didn’t get the wedding you deserved.”
“Bennett...thank you.” She teared up and explained, “I’ve never had a party on my birthday. Miss Jeffries made me cake, for all us girls, but we never had a party.”
“Then you’re overdue.” He slipped her hand through his arm. “Let’s make the rounds.”
Nodding, she walked among the crowd of people - some she knew, others she’d only spoken to on the phone or through email - on the arm of a powerful man she loved with every cell in her body.
Bennett handed her a glass of champagne and murmured, “Chin up and steady, darling.” Then he smiled warmly and said over her shoulder, “So glad you could make it. It’s good to meet you both in person. Bennett Jefferson.”
Rowan turned her face and it felt as if her heart stopped. Miss Jeffries stood beside Gage and Nina.
“Gage Chambers. It’s an honor to meet you, sir.” They shook hands firmly.
“Call me Bennett. I hear your family had a solid hand in getting Rowan to adulthood safely.”
“It was Miss Jeffries who did all the hard work, sir.”
“She and I are old friends at this point.” Bennett bent to kiss Miss Jeffries on the cheek. “I’m so happy you were able to get away for a few days.”
“The helpers you sent made it possible, Bennett. You’re a good man. I didn’t want to miss another important event in Rowan’s life.” The elderly woman hugged Rowan tightly. “My girl, you are positivelyglowin’.”
It was difficult to form a response. “Thank you, ma’am. It’s sogoodto see you.”
Smiling at a woman Rowan was certain had only gotten more beautiful with age, Bennett said, “You must be Nina. Rowan has told me all about your hijinks together as girls. Her reenactments are incredibly entertaining.”
“Thank you for inviting me, Mr. Jefferson. It’s amazing to be here, to see Rowan looking so happy.”
“Of course. You both appear again and again in our conversations. As she marks her twenty-fifth year, I wanted to give her the gift of friendships she once thought were forever lost.” He cupped Rowan’s face. “I don’t want you to waste a singlemomentof your life on regrets.”
Leaning into his touch, she nodded. “Thank you, Bennett.”
She kissed him and turned to her first love and childhood best friend. She hadn’t seen them since she walked away off Miss Jeffries’ front porch.
Bennett knew Rowan well. He knew seeing Gage and Nina again could take her back to a moment when she felt weak. It was why she’d avoided seeing them in all these years.