Page 68 of Coming Home
“Drunk off his ass, he walked into the foyer, thought he was in the bathroom, and pissed in the potted plant beside the stairs. Even tried to flush.” Rowan put her hand over her mouth to hide her grin. “I go to grab him to carry his pickled ass upstairs. He tried to take a swing at me, spun in a full circle, and hit himself in the forehead.”
“No!” She braced her stomach as she laughed.
James shook his head. “Knocked himself clean out, Rowan. I shit you not. I grabbed him before he hit the floor and Mary-Margaret was laughing so hard she waszerohelp.”
Gasping with laughter as tears ran down her cheeks, Rowan said, “I’m going to pee myself…”
James helped her up and led her inside toward the half-bath.
Outside the door, he continued, “Next day, he had a knot the size of a golf ball on his forehead from his class ring. Looked me in the eye and said it never happened. I told him the imprint of his alma mater said different. That was the last time he got drunk.”
Giggling as she washed her hands, she said, “Oh, James. I love the stories you and Mary-Margaret share. Love them.” Opening the door, her eyes widened. She reached out to take his hand and placed his palm on her belly. “Benji likes them, too.”
“Aw. Hello there, buddy.” A soft expression crossed his face. “This whole process is fascinating, Rowan.” Nodding, he said, “You need breakfast. Food or a protein shake?”
“A shake, I think. I feel a little toosnugtoday for food.”
“You sit while I take care of it.”
They had a chef who lived with them but James enjoyed making breakfast. Naturally into fitness for his job, he created delicious shakes that gave Rowan the nutrients she’d been struggling to consume as her pregnancy progressed.
She scooted onto one of the bar stools to watch as he started taking ingredients out of the refrigerator, setting everything down on the big island in the center of the kitchen.
Rubbing her belly, she asked, “What are your plans today?”
“You have your final ultrasound appointment. Later, I’ll work out.” He grinned at her over the blender.
Putting her chin in her hand, she asked sweetly, “IsNinagoing towork outwith you, James?”
The bodyguard bobbled the bottle of juice.
Every few weeks since Rowan moved from Austin, her best friend visited from New York. Then, a few months before, Nina had wrapped her last production and moved into her old room at Miss Jeffries’ place to help with the twin girls.
Strangely, a woman who talked a lot about sexual freedom and taking what she wanted seemed to be as stuck as Rowan’s bodyguard. They were clearly attracted to one another, flirted constantly, and worked together to knock out projects.
“What exactly are youwaiting for, James? You have so much in common and I know you’re attracted to each other! My lord, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife if you’re in the same room...which is constantly.”
He combined ingredients and sighed. “It’s complicated andnotsomething you need to be worried about right now.”
“Is it the age difference? You’re almost twenty yearsyoungerthan Bennett was and Nina and I are the same age.”
“It’s not that...but youdodeserve your youth, Rowan.” Rowan’s eyes filled with tears and James walked around the bar. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“It’s okay. You know crying is always just under the surface, waiting to wreck my makeup.”
“Bitch, you don’twearmakeup,” Nina said from the doorway. “What brought on the waterworks this time? Because girl, you have had a hair trigger for weeks.”
Pulling herself together and wiping her face, Rowan answered, “Thinking about that Folgers commercial with the brother and sister...gets me every time.”
Nina walked around and sat on the stool beside Rowan. She stared at her for a long moment and said quietly, “When you lie, you blush and look up like you’re asking forgiveness in advance. They’ve been your tells since you were twelve.”
“Don’t struggle.” Nina looked at James. “She asking a lot of questions?” He stared at her over Rowan without a word. “It’s likely to get worse.” She nodded at the blender. “I’ll take one of your shakes if you have enough.”
“Coming right up,” the bodyguard said quietly.
He walked around the counter and started cutting up fruit. Rowan looked back and forth between them and her eyes went wide.