Page 76 of Coming Home
Rowan assured her, “I’m okay, Mary-Margaret. Everyone can meet me at the hospital…”
“I’m not letting you out of mysight! Are you out of your mind?” She put her phone to her ear and barked, “We have a code red. Mrs. Jefferson is in labor. Everyone scramble and be ready to transport to the hospital in one minute.” Then she shrieked, “James!”
The bodyguard threw open his door - fully dressed this time - and took Rowan’s shoulders. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine...well, well.” She grinned at Nina behind him, pulling her hair into a ponytail. Her tank top was tangled and her jeans weren’t buttoned. “Hey, girl.”
“Shut it and get in the fucking car, Rowan.”
Laughing, Rowan turned for the door as her first contraction hit. She doubled over with a gasp and Gage picked her up.
James passed them at a run to open the door. He had the bag the hospital recommended Rowan keep on hand clenched in his fist. “Faster or give her to me,” he barked.
Looking down, Gage winked. “This is gonna be fun.”
“You’re a sadist.”
He snorted as he tucked her into the backseat of the limo and climbed in beside her. Nina sat on her other side and held her hand. James and Mary-Margaret sat across from them.
To the driver, her bodyguard yelled, “Floor it. We’ll deal with tickets when we have medical personnel on hand.”
“Yes, sir.”
Nina and James shared a long look and Rowan wanted to ask questions but another contraction made her bend, clutching her stomach.
Mary-Margaret whispered frantically, “That was less than two minutes.” Turning in her seat, she ordered, “Drivefaster.”
Rowan giggled despite the pain and Gage rubbed her back. After a moment, she murmured, “Miss Jeffries…”
“Taken care of,” Mary-Margaret said sharply. “No more thinking about the details, Rowan.”
Riding the cramping through her lower back and abdomen, she managed, “Mm hmm.”
By the time they pulled into the emergency room entrance of the little hospital that served the region, Rowan couldn’t walk. Gage carried her through the doors as James ran ahead.
She gasped, “P-pressure. I-I think...I need someonenow.” Clenching her eyes tightly shut, she focused on breathing. “Gage, I think the baby is coming. There’s no time...”
Without waiting at the front desk, Gage walked to the swinging doors that led to the emergency room. One of the nurses tried to stop him and he said, “Becky, stay outta my way. Rowan is havin’ this baby right now. Get somebody while I lay her down.”
Gage placed her on a gurney and grabbed a light blanket to cover her with. “Breathe for me, sweetheart.” He stroked his palm over her head. “I’m gonna take off your sandals and panties. Let me see what’s happenin’.”
“I’ve delivered a hundred calves. I want to make sure the baby’s not crownin’.” He moved quickly as her staff appeared with Nina.
James’ eyes were huge. “What are youdoing?”
Gage’s voice was sharp as he asked, “You see a doctor in here yet?” The bodyguard’s eyes were huge. “I can see the baby’sheadso do you think I should wait?”
“Oh, my sweet lord,” Nina swayed on her feet before snapping out of it. “Help her, Gage.”
He gently spread Rowan’s knees. “Hold her hands. Help her sit up. I’m gonna need you to push for me, sweetheart.”
The nurse entered the room and rambled words Rowan couldn’t hear. All she knew was that if she didn’t push, she was going to start screaming.
She stared at Gage’s face as she bore down. James and Nina stood on either side of her, holding her hands and bracing her back. Mary-Margaret stood beside Gage with her eyes huge in her face.
The pressure was terrifying.