Page 24 of Run to You
James pulled the tank top over his head, tossed it away, and put his hands on his hips. Her eyes were drawn to the pronounced V that disappeared into the waist of his slacks.
“I’mnotyoung. It’s beenyearssince I was dick dumb. And while you’re welcome to fuck your way through my security team, you should know that every man who touches you will face me in hand-to-hand combat until he can no longer stand up.”
“I don’t...what?”
“I told you I won’t try to own you, Nina. I meant it. Do what you want with whom you want. However, the men aroundmelive by a code. If they break that code because they can’t resist temptation in the form of a long-legged blonde with a sassy mouth, quick mind, and voracious appetites…” he lifted one shoulder, “there’s a price to be paid. Some might consider the price worth paying. I would.”
Confused, she said, “In that scenario, you’re putting yourself at risk as well. That doesn’t make any sense.”
“I wouldn’t participate in a one-sided fight. That’s not a fight at all. That’s abeatingand I don’t beat people, Nina.” His hands went to his belt. “Again, it’s part of the code we live by. Nothing for you to worry about but I wanted to be honest about it.”
Slipping the leather through the pant loops, he smiled. “Now. Enough about what you may or may not do when you walk out that door. Let’s talk about your reward for stayingtonight.”
Two steps brought him within an inch of her nipples. Reaching down, he took her shoes from her fingers and dropped them on the floor. Skimming her dress up her body, he tossed it away as well.
James wrapped his arms around her and lifted her as if she weighed nothing. She braced herself on his shoulders, her legs around his back.
Eye to eye, she told him, “You’re going to regret this.”
“Hmm. Stop saying silly shit you think you’re supposed to say and try something else.”
“Like what?” she asked carefully.
“How about...fuck me, James?”
Snickering softly, she raked her fingers through hair that was the same blend of multiple blondes as her own. “Both of us come from nowhere and we looksomuch alike. Uh, too much alike, if you know what I mean.”
“Uncanny, isn’t it?” She nodded. “I double-checked our DNA to be sure we weren’t related. Didn’t want you to turn out to be a kid I didn’t know about because that would have been seven levels of Hell to find out later.”
Releasing a snort, she quipped, “Impossible.”
“Hardly. I’m sixteen years older so I could conceivably be a parent to a woman of twenty-five. As stupid as I was at sixteen, I thought it was a good idea to check.”
“You thought ahead.”
“Looking at your picture was like looking at a feminine version of myself. I was fascinated by you as I gathered intel. Too much so, considering we’d never met. It didn’t feelparentalin the slightest so I wanted to rule out the possibility.” His arms tightened around her. “As much as you affected me on paper, I braced myself for what effect you’d have in person. I was right to be concerned. You shook my foundation instantly.”
They stared at each other for almost a minute in silence. He waited for her, gave her the freedom to make a choice.
Nina genuinelylikedJames - particularly the way his mind worked. He was different from anyone who’d ever touched her and she’d be lying if she pretended she didn’t want more of what he offered.
She would deal with the fallout afterward.
Inhaling deeply, she said, “In that case,” she put her lips beside his ear, “fuck me, James.”
“That’s what I’m talking about, Nina.” Reaching up, he coiled her long hair around his fist. “Any hard stops?”
Quirking a brow, she laughed. “Is that a joke?”
“Question withdrawn. I fuck hard - I’m not kidding - so your safe word is chicken.”
“It is not…”
“An extremely non-sexual word that will break through my sexual frenzy if necessary.”
“Tell memoreabout this sexual frenzy.”
“I’d rather show you.” Carrying her across the room, he lowered her to his bed but didn’t release her hair. “Touching you today has provided some of the most powerful sexual experiences of my life. In order to keep delivering orgasms that soak the bed and make your eyes roll back in your head, I need to take the pressure off.”