Page 30 of Run to You
“Something new then?” Nina lifted her face and met Kelley’s eyes. “Someonenew. A man?” Nina didn’t respond and the psychologist was quiet for almost a minute. “It appears you met someone who shook you to your foundation. Hmm. I bet you weren’t expecting that. Tell me about him. Tell me about the man who had such a powerful impact on you that you’re unable to touch anyone else.”
It took far longer than an hour to explain James. By the time Nina was done, she’d gone through several tissues.
Punching the top of her own thigh, she hissed, “Irefuseto be emotional about a man I knew for less than a day! I willnot!”
“Well, darling,” Kelley began, “I think you need to speak to yourheartabout your demands. It seems ready to negotiate with this one-man army who’s stormed your walls.”
“I can’t, Kelley…”
“Of course you can, dear. Can’t is such adismalword and there’s nothing dismal about you. Can’t isdefeatingand you’ve never backed down from a fight in your life.” She took another sip of her tea. “Have you been in contact with him since you returned home?”
“H-he texts me. I don’t reply.” Nina lifted her chin. “I don’t have to.”
“Naturally. You’re a powerful woman who bows to no one. You’ll find no disagreement fromme, dear.”
“He’s just a man.”
“So you’ve said. Are you attempting to convince me or yourself that he’s no different than the ones before him?”
“I…” Her voice trailed away and fresh tears slipped over her cheeks.
“Nina, of all the injury done to you in your young life, the wounds you inflict onyourselfare some of the deepest. Tonight, I want you to go home and respond to your James.”
“He’s notmine. He will never bemine, Kelley.”
“The lady doth protest too much.” The small woman got down from her chair and walked over to stand beside Nina’s. “Respond to James. If he meansnothing, it will cost you nothing. If he meanssomething, perhaps you can shore up your defenses and shove him into one of those tidy littleboxesyou’re so fond of. Fear is an emotion uncommon for you and I bet it’s raking across your insides like ground glass.”
“Yes. Yes, it is.”
“You arefearless, Nina. It’s your most powerful tool for survival. You’ll do whatever it takes to protect yourself. Perhaps you’ll discover that what you felt was the result of high emotions from seeing Rowan and Gage again - being back in Texas where you experienced so much pain.”
Kelley patted Nina’s forearm. “Everything will be alright, dear. You’ll see. Text your gentleman friend and start there. All will be set to rights.”
Nina placed her hand over Kelley’s. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. Take some cookies. You know Sophie makes extra - special just for you. I’m sure you’ve barely eaten with all this stress. On your way home, stop for one of those decadent lobster salads you love.”
Exhaling roughly, Nina nodded. “You’re right. I’m sure I’ve built it all up.” She laughed nervously. “And a lobster salad sounds amazing. First,” she took a cookie off the plate beside her, “one of these because I’m suddenly starving.”
She chatted a few more minutes with Kelley and Sophie. Taking her time walking across town, she stopped and bought lobster salad. At the last minute, she added a large rare steak, some of their famous garlic knots, and cannoli to her order.
Carrying so much food, she decided to hail a cab to get home faster. In front of her apartment building, she paid the cabby and stepped out on the sidewalk.
Turning, she almost dropped everything in her hands.
James leaned against the wall beside the main door, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked incredible in a suit; his blonde hair swept back from his face.
“Hello, Nina.”
“Bennett is in New York on business. He keeps an apartment on 5th Avenue. Rowan is here as well.” He lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “They’re in for the night so I decided to leave Mary-Margaret in charge and hunt my chosen prey.”
“You can’t come inside,” she said firmly. He gave her a slow smile and her insides clenched in need. “It-it’s small, messy, and not fit for company.”
“Has anyone ever been inside your apartment?”